5 th Grade Parent Night Mrs. Tindal’s Class
About Me My background I grew up here in Birmingham. I attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Auburn University, and the University of Montevallo. My experience I’ve been teaching for 10 years in Alabama schools and worked 11 years in “Corporate America”. 5 th Grade is the only grade I’ve ever taught…that’s because I LOVE it!
My Family My husband Lee (We’ve been married for 20 years!) My children Matthew (10 th grade at OMHS) Justin (9 th grade at OMHS) Our pets (Australian Shepherds) Shep Fletch I have a twin sister, Megan. My nephew, Alex Thomas is in 7 th grade at OMMS. My niece, Morgan, is in 4 th grade at OMIS.
Promise I promise to love your child as if they were my own…through good times and not so good times. At the beginning of every year, I “adopt” 27 students. They go home in my heart every day! I am genuinely concerned about their academic and character growth. If everyone does their part, your child will be prepared for the transition to OMMS!
OMIS Mission Statement The mission of Oak Mountain Intermediate School, serving 4 th and 5 th grade students, is to advance student achievement through a comprehensive curriculum.
OMIS Unique Purpose The unique purpose of Oak Mountain Intermediate School is to provide a successful transition from early childhood to early adolescence by encouraging responsibility, independence, and character development.
Forms to be signed… Dismissal Plan (pink sheet) Special Services Questionnaire (white sheet) Late Work Policy (blue sheet) Code of Conduct and Attendance (white sheet) Medication Form (lime green sheet) (Please keep your packet stapled.)
Class Goals for the Year Create a community of learners that includes students, teachers, and parents Create life-long learners, readers, and writers Grow students toward becoming responsible, independent, and cooperative learners who are accountable for their actions Relate subject areas to real life experiences
Points for Discussion Classroom team (Tindal and Roddy) Expectations and Procedures ( already signed ) Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty ( p. 4-5 ) Cell phones ( p ) Bullying Policy (forms are on the county web- site) Dress code ( p ) Homework Weekly progress folder Recognition Day Communication Student phone calls Reward system
Curriculum Reading (Roddy)- Harcourt Reading series, small group instruction, Accelerated Reader Social Studies (Roddy)- Scott Foresman series, American History Science (Tindal)- Scott Foresman series, hands-on activities, science lab participation Language(Tindal)- Write Source series Writing (Tindal)- Write Source series, integrated with all subjects in the form of descriptive, narrative, and expository writing
Curriculum OMIS is beginning an exciting transition in our math curriculum. We are joining the other Shelby County K-5 schools in teaching Math Investigations. It is designed to support students to make sense of mathematics and become mathematical thinkers. The investigations give students time to develop a strong conceptual foundation before moving into the more abstract algorithms. We realize that it is a transition for our students, parents and teachers. We are working diligently to be sure that our students understand their homework assignments before coming home each day. If you find that homework is confusing, please make an attempt with your child. If you are unsuccessful, make a note on the homework page. We know that you want the best for your child. We strongly believe that Math Investigations invite all students into the world of mathematics!
Classroom Involvement Room mom- Maryjayne Herring will be coordinating all parties. Everyone should have an opportunity to attend one party during the year (maybe more depending on interest). Thanks for all that volunteer as helpers…you will be used! Class Directory- Permission form has to be completed for your child’s information to appear on it. Field Trips- American Village, Huntsville Space and Rocket Center, and OMHS Musical Production in the spring, OMMS visit (approximately 5 chaperones per field trip with the exception of play production and OMMS visit). OMIS Career Day- this is a part of the Guidance Program
Homework Complete Parent Interview- due September 7 th Complete “Who AM I?”- due September 7 th (Please send in a sealed envelope with your child’s name clearly marked on the outside.) Sign and return all forms- due August 31 st
Planned Absences Shelby County system form is on page 28 in the Code of Conduct (now in an on-line version) OMIS version is available in the office Even if Dr. LeQuier denies a request and rules an absence unexcused, the student is permitted to make up their work- providing the parent has submitted the request form for principal permission. The student has 10 days to complete the work. Even though the student is permitted to make up the work, when the absence is ruled unexcused, those days count toward a potential referral for Early Warning.
Policy Change The Shelby County Board of Education recommends a minimum attendance standard of 168 days per year. Therefore, a student who accumulates more than 12 absences during a school year is subject to loss of credit and/or retention. Absences beyond 12 must be accompanied with a doctor’s or court excuse or permission of the principal to be excused. Vacations are not excused absences.
Communication - Conference times- Tuesday-Thursday (8:20-8:55) Please send me an to set up a conference. I will team conference with Mrs. Roddy. Phone conferences on an as-need basis Monthly newsletters via my BLOG
Thank You! This is going to be a great year and I’m looking forward to partnering with you in your child’s education. Remember, we are ALL a work in progress!