Web based matching of transports Leif Olsson
60% left! Shipping agent: Fill the load carrier that is already scheduled Supplier: Get better price on transport with low emissions and delivered in time Load carrier, 20% left! Main idea with the portal
DHL Delego Etc. Existing systems, commercial examples, Sweden Systems under development, an example LogIt D2D – Interbaltic/Transbaltic systems.com Cost and time considered in these systems No emissions considered in these systems
List of transport alternatives minimizing the overall transport cost (in prototype) The prototype as a starting point, only in Swedish
The problem descriptionHigh Low, Medium Low FastMediumSlowSlow HighHighMediumLow MediumLowMediumHigh Cost Time Emissions Uncertainty 1. Intermodality 2. Conflict between criterias 3. Uncertainty NOT SUPPORTED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM! Note: This is only an example to illustrate the problem, for instance, cost for different transport modes depends on the length of the actual transport etc.
GUI today, also in english etc (activity 5.4)
Network model Degree of detail: Everything is possible! Activity 5.2: Optimization model illustration
The routes in the current example (extension of prototype model) 7 Routes 55 Distinct legs Intermodal Train, Ferry, Truck Minimizing total transport cost Emissions and delivery time as constraints Activity 5.2
Total Cost (SEK) Total Time (HOURS) Total Emissions (CO2) Shortage Cost (SEK) Solution Time example Actual shortage :00:01None :00:04None , :00:07None , :00:03None , :00:23None , :00:40 Åbo- Trondhei m route not possible , :00:30 Åbo- Trondhei m route not possible :02:14Åbo- Trondhei m and Stockholm. Sundsvall routes not possible The results from the example (activity 5.2)Solution procedure (activity 5.2) Run optimization model Solution 1 Decrease: Allowed total time, Allowed total amount of emissions. 23
Visualization of the example (activity 5.2) Red arrows is the routes choosed by the system in real time Three transports on the same ferry filling the trucks with additional 5, 9, 7 tons respectively
Current model status (example) No uncertainty considered Only minimizing the transport cost But emissions and time is included as constraints Will be integrated with the portal summer of 2011 (activity 5.1) Activities: Current and future How to handle – Uncertain transportation time – Multiple Criterias (Cost, Time, Emissions) – Considered in activity 5.3 starting in august 2011 GUI developed so that multiple transports can be considered (not possible today, activity 5.4)
Different transport modes! Different routes! Choose between routes that are suffiencely different (activity 5.3) Portfolio of transport alternatives!
Considering uncertainty in model : Less disturbances! Yes, but disturbances can never be completly avoided ! portfolio of transport alternatives Disturbances management therefore important – portfolio of transport alternatives! Uncertainty included in model Portfolio of transport alternatives BeforeAfter Activity 5.3
Test case development, start date (Activity 5.5) 1. August January January 2012 Suppliers will be selected from these companies customers (case 1) Test case nr 1 Test case nr 2 and nr 3: Discussions initiated with Finnish partners in june 2011
First demonstration with real data planned for january 2012 First article was submitted 1 june 2011 to the International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making This presentation is from the MCDM 2011 conference in Jyväskylä, Finland, june 2011 Thanks for listening!