Housekeeping Paperless handouts Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach Co-Founder & CEO Powerful Learning Practice, LLC President 21 st Century Collaborative, LLC
Are you Ready for Leading in the 21st Century It isn’t just “coming”… it has arrived! And schools who aren’t redefining themselves, risk becoming irrelevant in preparing students for the future.
Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0 We are living in a new economy – powered by technology, fueled by information, and driven by knowledge. -- Futureworks: Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21 st Century
By the year % of all Fortune 500 companies will be using immersive worlds – Gartner Vice President Jackie Fenn
Rethinking Teaching and Learning 1. Multiliterate 2. Change in pedagogy 3.Change in the way classrooms are managed 4.A move from deficit based instruction to strength based learning 5.Collaboration and communication Inside and Outside the classroom 6.
New Media Literacies- What are they? / / Will the future of education include broad - based, global reflection and inquiry ? What role will Professional Learning Communities and Personal Learning Networks play ? Will your current level of new media literacy skills allow you to take part in learning through these mediums ?
It is estimated that 1.5 exabytes of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year. That’s estimated to be more than in the previous 5,000 years. Knowledge Creation
For students starting a four-year technical or higher education degree, this means that... half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.
Trend 1 – Social and intellectual capital are the new economic values in the world economy. This new economy will be held together and advanced through the building of relationships. Unleashing and connecting the collective knowledge, ideas, and experiences of people creates and heightens value. Source: Journal of School Improvement, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2002
Personal Learning Networks Community-Dots On Your Map Are you “clickable”- Are your students?
“Schools are a node on the network of learning.”
TPCK Model There is a new model that helps us think about how to develop technological pedagogical content knowledge.
9000 School 35,000 math and science teachers in 22 countries How are teachers using technology in their instruction? Law, N., Pelgrum, W.J. & Plomp, T. (eds.) (2008). Pedagogy and ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from the IEA SITES 2006 study. Hong Kong: CERC-Springer, the report presenting results for 22 educational systems participating in the IEA SITES 2006, was released by Dr Hans Wagemaker, IEA Executive Director and Dr Nancy Law, International Co-coordinator of the study. SITE 2006 IEA Second Information Technology in Education Study
Increased technology use does not lead to student learning. Rather, effectiveness of technology use depended on teaching approaches used in conjunction with the technology. How you integrate matters- not just the technology alone. It needs to be about the learning, not the technology. And you need to choose the right tool for the task. As long as we see content, technology and pedagogy as separate- technology will always be just an add on. Findings
Spiral – Not Linear Development Technology USE Mechanical Technology Integrate Meaningful Technology Innovate Generative
Shifts focus of literacy from individual expression to community involvement.
According to Clay Shirky, there are four scaffolded stages to mastering the connected world: sharing, cooperating, collaborating, and collective action. Share Cooperate (connect) Collaborate Collective Action
Define Community Define Networks In the shared notes area please write a one -2 sentence description of each. Are they the same? Different? How so? I will ask a couple of you to grab the mic and share.
Community is the New Professional Development Cochran-Smith and Lytle (1999a) describe three ways of knowing and constructing knowledge that align closely with PLP's philosophy and are worth mentioning here. Knowledge for Practice is often reflected in traditional PD efforts when a trainer shares with teachers information produced by educational researchers. This knowledge presumes a commonly accepted degree of correctness about what is being shared. The learner is typically passive in this kind of "sit and get" experience. This kind of knowledge is difficult for teachers to transfer to classrooms without support and follow through. After a workshop, much of what was useful gets lost in the daily grind, pressures and isolation of teaching. Knowledge in Practice recognizes the importance of teacher experience and practical knowledge in improving classroom practice. As a teacher tests out new strategies and assimilates them into teaching routines they construct knowledge in practice. They learn by doing. This knowledge is strengthened when teachers reflect and share with one another lessons learned during specific teaching sessions and describe the tacit knowledge embedded in their experiences.
Community is the New Professional Development Knowledge of Practice believes that systematic inquiry where teachers create knowledge as they focus on raising questions about and systematically studying their own classroom teaching practices collaboratively, allows educators to construct knowledge of practice in ways that move beyond the basics of classroom practice to a more systemic view of learning. We believe that by attending to the development of knowledge for, in and of practice, we can enhance professional growth that leads to real change. Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S.L. (1999a). Relationships of knowledge and practice: Teaching learning in communities. Review of Research in Education, 24,
The driving engine of the collaborative culture of a PLC is the team. They work together in an ongoing effort to discover best practices and to expand their professional expertise. PLCs are our best hope for reculturing schools. We want to focus on shifting from a culture of teacher isolation to a culture of deep and meaningful collaboration. Professional Learning Communities FOCUS: Local, F2F, Job-embedded- in Real Time
Communities of Practice FOCUS: Situated, Synchronous, Asynchronous- Online and Walled Garden
Characteristics of a healthy community
Personal Learning Networks FOCUS: Individual, Connecting to Learning Objects, Resources and People – Social Network Driven
Change is inevitable: Growth is Optional Change produces tension- out of our comfort zone. “Creative tension- the force that comes into play at the moment we acknowledge our vision is at odds with the current reality.” Senge
Real Question is this: Are we willing to change- to risk change- to meet the needs of the precious folks we serve? Can you accept that Change (with a “big” C) is sometimes a messy process and that learning new things together is going to require some tolerance for ambiguity.
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