Therapy Defined Therapy: techniques to help people deal with psychological problems Focus on changing behavior Connected to theoretical perspectives and beliefs about root of behavior
Providing Psychological Assistance Psychotherapy: use of psychological principles/techniques to treat mental health disorders; assumes root is psychological Biological therapy: use of medications or other medical interventions to treat problems; assumes root is biological
Who Is Qualified to Give Therapy? Clinical psychologists, licensed counselors, etc. Master’s degree is minimum Psychiatrists or other MDs are only professionals legally allowed to prescribe medication
Modern Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic or short-term dynamic therapy Addresses current problems rather than childhood issues Short-term (no more than a few months) and effective Not as effective for depression, schizophrenia, autism
Humanistic Therapy: Empathizing to Empower Focuses on conscious actions taken to control behavior Believe behavior driven by view of world and awareness of feelings Clients are striving towards personal growth
Behavior Therapies: Learning Healthier Behaviors Behavior therapy focuses on changing current behaviors; also called behavior modification Behavioral perspective – behavior is result of environmental stimuli and consequences Two categories of treatment: classical conditioning and operant conditioning techniques
Social Cognitive Therapy Ellis’s Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) Rational emotive therapy: psychological problems stem from how people think about and interpret life events Faulty or irrational beliefs are identified Generally effective in treatment of depression and certain anxiety disorders
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy (CBT) Distorted thinking (cognitive distortions) - negative automatic, thought patterns lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem Less confrontational than RET; therapist and client work together to identify thought patterns, test validity of those, work on changing Effective with depression, anxiety disorders, preventing relapses
Biomedical Treatment Medications used to treat mental health problems Not a cure, but can reduce symptoms Stabilizes symptoms so psychological issues can be addressed
Psychopharmacological treatments Antipsychotics – schizophrenia Antidepressants – SSRIs – depression and panic disorders Lithium – bipolar Antianxiety – anxiety and panic disorders
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Series of treatments; anesthesia and muscle relaxant given; volts passed through brain inducing seizure; quick, painless Treatment of last resort for depressed patients
Lobotomy Operations that damage brain tissues in the frontal lobe to treat mental illness 50,000 performed in the U.S. ( ) video