1 Clinical Psychology II - Therapies The Big Picture Anxiety Disorders Cognitive Behaviour Therapies and Phobias Mood Disorders Medication and Therapy Schizophrenia Medication Therapy Evaluating Therapies Is therapy effective? If so, what makes it effective?
2 Anxiety Disorders Phobias - usually treated with cognitive therapy More serious anxiety disorders (agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder) usually treated with a combination of drug therapy and cognitive therapy.
3 Systematic Desensitization
4 Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorders - usually treated with both medication and cognitive therapy.
5 Depression and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
6 Mood Disorders Major Depression in severe cases that do not respond to medication and cognitive therapy is sometimes treated with Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT).
7 Mood Disorders Major Depression is severe cases that do not respond to medication and cognitive therapy is sometimes treated with Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT). Bipolar Disorder - usually treated primarily with medication.
8 Schizophrenia Schizophrenia - usually treated primarily with medication.
9 Schizophrenia Schizophrenia - usually treated primarily with medication. Both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia often include group therapy. This often allows people to deal with the stigma of mental illness. On Being Sane in Insane Places - A study of how being perceived as insane colours other people’s perception of you.
10 Evaluating Psychotherapies Problems in interpreting effectiveness of therapy Should we take the patients word? How about the therapists? What about spontaneous remission and regression to the mean? Is Psychotherapy effective? Are some therapies better than others? Does training and experience matter?
11 Effectiveness of Therapy
12 Focus on University of Waterloo Research (Dr. Johnathan Oakman) on Therapy Effectiveness Social Phobias All clients received medication Three conditions Guided self-help Cognitive behaviour therapy Cognitive behaviour therapy with Technology At this point it looks like all three are effective, but equally so