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Who is Open Health Tools? A Non-Profit Trade Association, incorporated within the US as a 501c(6). All Members are equal and OHT does not compete with them A technology-neutral open-source collaboration that is based on commercially-friendly licensing An open, international ecosystem containing 70+ organizations each working in their own self-interest while collaborating toward a common industry need Led by internationally-recognized experts in open source, health IT, and platform engineering A community of software vendors, healthcare provider organizations, governments, standards bodies, academic institutions, and integrators
OHT “Underpinnings” Purpose – To transform the world’s health and well being through a diverse, collaborative and productive HIT ecosystem. See the OHT Vision.OHT Vision Principles - The community is based upon openness, transparency, meritocracy, and contributions. See the OHT Principles.OHT Principles Process - OHT is leveraging proven open-source community governance and processes to achieve rapid outcomes See the OHT Process.OHT Process Platforms – The core products of the community (tools, exemplary applications, etc.), building the technical foundation for OHT collaboration and Innovation. See OHT Platforms and OHT ArchitectureOHT PlatformsOHT Architecture
OHT Charter Projects Project Name Date Initiated Sponsoring Organization Academic OutreachNov. 2007Oracle Application Integration PlatformJul. 2008NexJ Canadian EHRS Reference Imp.Apr. 2009Mohawk College CollabNetApr. 2008CollabNet Conformance ToolsNov. 2007Canada Health Infoway HL7 Static Model DesignerNov. 2007National Health Services (NHS, UK) IHE ProfilesJul. 2008IBM Interface LibraryOct. 2010Pronoia Health InterHINNov. 2007Inpriva Message Builder APINov. 2007Canada Health Infoway Model Driven Health ToolsApr. 2008IBM / VA OpenExchangeJan. 2010Misys Open Health AssistantFeb. 2011Andago Packaging and DistributionJan. 2010Carnac Personal Connected HealthFeb. 2011Continua Health Alliance Platform Implementation ProjectOct. 2010Pronoia Health SNOMEDApr. 2008IHTSDO StepstoneDec. 2008IBM VUHIDDec. 2008GPII vxVistADec. 2008DSS, Inc.
Application Integration Platform Shared Tools and Platform: Overview HIE Connectors Software Development Platform Packaging/ Distribution Platform User Device Integration Platform User Interface Platform Health Data Management Decision support and analytics Security and privacy services Terminology and Mapping OHT Software Center User Configuration Multi- Platform Support TBD Version/Config Management License Management Conformance Tooling Model Driven Health Tools Test Harness Other