Intelligent Database Systems Lab Presenter: YU-TING LU Authors: Liang-Chu Chen, Ting-Jung Yu, Chia-Jung Hsieh ACM KeyGraph-based chance discovery for exploring the development of e-commerce topics
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Outlines Motivation Objectives Methodology Experiments Conclusions Comments
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Motivation E-commerce topics are diverse and complex, leading many scholars to sort e-commerce into subjective categories. This process lacks a dynamic analysis of the relations among topics, which use the contents of documents to explore terminology.
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Objectives To explore the intellectual structure of e-commerce from 1996 to 2010, and to provide a better understanding of the structure from the perspective of chance discovery. To examine the relationships among research topics in different phases, and to discuss similarities among various foci in different studies between international and Taiwanese research.
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Methodology
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Methodology – Data collection
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Methodology – Vocabulary building and processing 1. Font and typeface 2. Repeated terminology 3. Single words and compounds 4. Synonyms and alternative words 5. Building the thesaurus Information information System system information system information technology (behavior, behaviour) behavior (strategy, strategies) behavior information
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Methodology – Terms retrieval The developmental period of the Internet 1996 | 2000 The growth of information technology 2001 | 2005 Expanding applications for commerce 2006 | 2010
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Methodology – The phase of chance discovery 1. Document preprocessing 2. Extracting high-frequency terms 3. Extracting links 4. Extracting key terms 5. Extracting key links 6. Extracting keywords
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Experiments
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Experiments - Comprehensive analysis
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Experiments - Analysis of acceptability
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Conclusions The topics of international electronic commerce have different thematic features in different stages. Taiwanese scholars should pay attention to the research tendencies and topics of international journals. The algorithm and visualization method of KeyGraph is valuable for helping predict future research areas.
Intelligent Database Systems Lab Comments Advantages - Easier to understand - Serve as references for scholars Applications - Text mining - Electronic commerce field