Modeling User Satisfaction and Student Learning in a Spoken Dialogue Tutoring System with Generic, Tutoring, and User Affect Parameters Kate Forbes-Riley and Diane Litman University of Pittsburgh
Outline u Overview u PARADISE u System and Corpora u Interaction Parameters u Prediction Models u Conclusions and Future Work
Overview u Goals: u PARADISE: Model performance in our spoken dialogue tutoring system in terms of interaction parameters u Focus design efforts on improving parameters - predict better performance for future users u Use model to predict simulated user performance - as different system versions designed
Overview u What is Performance in our spoken dialogue tutoring system? u User Satisfaction: primary metric for many spoken dialogue systems, e.g. travel-planning (user surveys) u Hypothesis: less useful u Student Learning: primary metric for tutoring systems (student pre/post tests) u Hypothesis: more useful
Overview u What Interaction Parameters for our spoken dialogue tutoring system? u Spoken Dialogue System-Generic (e.g. time): shown useful in non-tutoring PARADISE applications modeling User Satisfaction u Tutoring-Specific (e.g. correctness) u Hypothesis: task-specific parameters impact performance u User Affect (e.g. uncertainty) u Hypothesis: affect impacts performance - generic too
Overview u Are the resulting Performance Models useful? u Generic and Tutoring parameters yield useful Student Learning models u Affect parameters increase usefulness u Generic and Tutoring parameters yield less useful User Satisfaction models than prior non-tutoring applications u (Bonneau-Maynard et al., 2000), (Walker et al., 2002), (Möller, 2005): better models with generic only u Too little data to include Affect parameters
PARADISE Framework (Walker et al., 1997) u Measure parameters (interaction costs and benefits) and performance in system corpus u Train model via multiple linear regression (MLR) over parameters, predict performance (R 2 = variance predicted) u SPSS stepwise MLR: determine parameter inclusion (most correlated until no better R 2 /non-significant model) System Performance = ∑ w i * p i u Test model usefulness (generalize) on new corpus (R 2 ) n i=1
Speech front-end for text-based Why2-Atlas (VanLehn et al., 2002) Qualitative Physics Tutor
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3 ITSPOKE Corpora u Synthesized voice: Cepstral text-to-speech system u Pre-Recorded voice: paid voice talent Corpus#Students#with Tests#with Survey#with Affect SYN PR SYN0529 0
Experimental Procedure u Subjects without college physics: u Read a small background document u Took a pretest u Worked 5 problems (dialogues) with ITSPOKE u Took a posttest Corpus#Students#with Tests#with Survey#with Affect SYN PR SYN0529 0
User Satisfaction Survey after Posttest Task Ease: It was easy to learn from the tutor. TTS Performance: It was easy to understand the tutor. User Expertise: I knew what I could say or do at each point in the conversations with the tutor. Expected Behavior: The tutor worked the way I expected it to. Future Use: Based on my experience using the tutor to learn physics, I would like to use such a tutor regularly. ALMOST ALWAYS (5), OFTEN (4), SOMETIMES (3), RARELY (2), ALMOST NEVER (1) Corpus#Students#with Tests#with Survey#with Affect SYN PR SYN0529 0
User Affect Annotation u Each student turn labeled with 1 Certainness State: u certain, uncertain, mixed, neutral u Each student turn labeled with 1 Frustration State: u frustrated, non-frustrated Corpus#Students#with Tests#with Survey#with Affect SYN PR SYN0529 0
SYN03 Annotated Excerpt T: What is the NET force acting on the truck equal to? S: I don’t know (ASR: I don’t know ) [Uncertain, Frustrated, Incorrect] T: Since net force is defined as the vector sum of all the forces exerted on an object, let's first find the forces acting on the truck. Try to name them. S: The impact force, the normal force, and gravity (ASR: the impact force but normal force and gravity) [Certain, Non-Frustrated, Correct] T: Yep.
Interaction Parameters u Prior PARADISE applications u Each dialogue between user and system represents a single task (e.g., booking airline travel) u Parameters calculated on a per-dialogue basis u Our tutoring application u Entire tutoring session (5 dialogues) between student and ITSPOKE represents a single task u Parameters calculated on a per-student basis
13 Dialogue System-Generic Parameters u Most from prior PARADISE applications (Möller, 2005), (Walker et al. 2002), (Bonneau-Maynard, 2000) u Time on Task u Total ITSPOKE Turns, Total Student Turns u Total ITSPOKE Words, Total Student Words u Ave. ITSPOKE Words/Turn, Ave. Student Words/Turn u Word Error Rate, Concept Accuracy u Total Timeouts, Total Rejections u Ratio of Student Words to ITSPOKE Words u Ratio of Student Turns to ITSPOKE Turns
12 Tutoring-Specific Parameters u 9 Parameters related to Correctness of Student Turn u ITSPOKE labels: Correct, Incorrect, Partially Correct u Total and Percent for each label u Ratio of each label to every other label u Total number of essays per student u Student pretest and posttest score (for US) u Similar parameters available in most tutoring systems
25 User Affect Parameters u For each of our 4 Certainness labels: u Total, Percent, and Ratio to each other label u Total for each sequence of identical labels (e.g. Certain:Certain) u For each of our 2 Frustration labels u Total, Percent, and Ratio to each other label u Total for each sequence of identical labels
User Satisfaction Prediction Models u Predicted Variable: Total Survey Score u Range: out of ; no corpora differences (p =.46) u Input Parameters: Generic and Tutoring u Do models generalize across corpora (system versions)? u Train on PR05 Test on SYN05 u Train on SYN05 Test on PR05 u Do models generalize better within corpora? u Train on half PR05 Test on half PR05 (for each half) u Train on half SYN05 Test on half SYN05 (for each half)
User Satisfaction Prediction Models u Best Results (on Test Data) u Inter-corpus models are weak and don’t generalize well u Intra-corpus models generalize better, but are still weak predictors of User Satisfaction u Generic and Tutoring parameters selected TrainR2R2 Ranked PredictorsTestR2R2 SYN05.068ITSPOKE Words/TurnPR SYN05 half #2.685ITSPOKE Words/Turn, Student Words/Turn, #Correct SYN05 half #1.227
User Satisfaction Prediction Models u Comparison to Prior Work u Some of same parameters also selected as predictors, e.g. in (Walker et al., 2002) (User Words/Turn) u Higher best test results (R 2 =.3 -.5) in (Möller, 2005), (Walker et al., 2002) and (Bonneau- Maynard et al., 2000)
Student Learning Prediction Models u First Experiments: u Data and Input Parameters: same as for User Satisfaction experiments u Predicted Variable: Posttest controlled for Pretest (learning gains); significant learning independently of corpus (p <.001) TrainR2R2 Ranked PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05.556Pretest, %CorrectSYN SYN05 half #1.580Pretest, Student Words/Turn SYN05 half #2.556
Student Learning Prediction Models u First Experiments: (Best Results on Test Data in table) u All models account for ~ 50% of Posttest variance in train and test data u Intra-corpus models don’t show higher generalizability u Generic and Tutoring parameters selected TrainR2R2 Ranked PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05.556Pretest, %CorrectSYN SYN05 half #1.580Pretest, Student Words/Turn SYN05 half #2.556
Student Learning Prediction Models u Further experiments: u Including third corpus (SYN03) with Generic and Tutoring parameters yields similar results u Best Result (on Test Data): TrainR2R2 Ranked Predictors TestR2R2 PR05+SYN03.413Pretest, TimeSYN05.586
Student Learning Prediction Models u Further experiments: including User Affect Parameters can improve results: TrainR2R2 Ranked PredictorsTestR2R2 SYN03.644Time, Pretest, #NeutralsPR Posttest =.86 * Time +.65 * Pretest -.54 * #Neutrals TrainR2R2 Ranked PredictorsTestR2R2 SYN03.478Pretest, TimePR u Same experiment without User Affect Parameters:
Summary: Student Learning Models u This method of developing a Student Learning model: u useful for our tutoring application u User Affect parameters can increase usefulness of Student Learning Models
Summary: User Satisfaction Models u This method of developing a User Satisfaction model: u less useful for our tutoring application as compared to prior non-tutoring applications u Why are our User Satisfaction models less useful? u Per-student measure of User Satisfaction not fine- grained enough u Tutoring systems not designed to maximize User Satisfaction; goal is to maximize Student Learning
Conclusions u For the tutoring community: u PARADISE provides an effective method of extending single Student Learning correlations u For the spoken dialogue community: u When using PARADISE: u other performance metrics may be more useful for applications not optimized for User Satisfaction u task-specific and user affect parameters may be useful
Future Work u Investigate usefulness of additional input parameters for predicting Student Learning and User Satisfaction u User Affect annotations (once complete) u Tutoring Dialogue Acts (e.g. Möller, 2005; Litman and Forbes-Riley, 2006) u Discourse Structure annotations (Rotaru and Litman, 2006)
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User Satisfaction Prediction Models TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05.274INC, EssaysSYN SYN05.068TwptPR PR05:half1.335PCOR/INCPR05:half2.137 PR05:half2.443StrnsPR05:half1.079 SYN05:half1.455Strn/TtrnSYN05:half2.051 SYN05:half2.685Twpt, Swpt, CORSYN05:half1.227
Student Learning Prediction Models u Posttest Score controlled for Pretest Score is target predicted variable (learning gains) u System-Generic and Tutoring-Specific parameters available as predictors (same corpora as for US models) TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05.556Pre, %CORSYN SYN05.736Pre, INC/COR, SwptPR PR05:half1.840Pre, PCORPR05:half2.128 PR05:half2.575PCOR/INC, PrePR05:half1.485 SYN05:half1.580Pre, SwptSYN05:half2.556 SYN05:half2.855Pre, ToutsSYN05:half1.384
Student Learning Prediction Models u Further Experiments: u Including SYN03 Corpus yields similar results (same parameters as prior experiments, different datasets) u Training on corpus most similar to test corpus yields highest generalizability TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05+SYN03.413Pre, TimeSYN PR05+SYN05.621Pre, INC/CORSYN SYN05+SYN03.590INC/COR, %INC, Pre, Time PR05.244
Student Learning Prediction Models u Including User Affect Parameters can increase generalizability of SL models (more parameters than prior experiments, different datasets) TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 SYN03 (affect).644Time, Pre, NEUPR05: PR05:17 (affect).835Pre, NFA:NFA, Swpt SYN SYN03 (no affect).478Pre, TimePR05: PR05:17 (no affect).609Pre, Strns/TtrnsSYN03.164
Student Learning Prediction Models u Further experiments: u Including third corpus (SYN03) with same Generic and Tutoring Specific parameters yields similar results u Training set most similar to test set yields highest generalizability TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05+SYN03.413Pretest, TimeSYN05.586
User Satisfaction Prediction Models u Comparison to Prior Work u Some of same parameters also selected as predictors, e.g. in (Walker et al., 2002) (User Words/Turn) u Higher best test results (R 2 =.3 -.5) in (Möller, 2005), (Walker et al., 2002) and (Bonneau-Maynard et al., 2000) u Similar sensitivity to changes in training data in (Möller, 2005) and (Walker et al., 2000)
Student Learning Prediction Models u First Experiments: (Best Results on Test Data in table) u All models account for ~ 50% of Posttest variance in train and test data; less sensitive to training data changes u Intra-corpus models don’t have higher generalizability u Generic and Tutoring parameters selected TrainR2R2 PredictorsTestR2R2 PR05.556Pretest, %CorrectSYN SYN05 half #1.580Pretest Student Words/Turn SYN05 half #2.556