Grain Live and Sales Live from Accounts Receivable including End of Month Reporting Multiple Customer Invoicing and Price Levels
Grain & Sales Live Grain Bank from Counter Invoicing Local Sales from Counter Invoicing Invoicing from another Customer’s Grain Bank Control Sales Controls apply from Counter Invoicing local sales Sales Controls using price levels Copy Grain Files for End of Month Reporting A G V A N T A G E
Grain Live ON Creates Grain Bank out-loads to Purchase Control from A/R invoice. Creates position transactions to DPR when grain product is sold. Grain related products updates the corresponding crop at the time the invoice prints verses waiting for an A/R merge. A G V A N T A G E
Grain Live PRIOR TO SETUP Create all Interface batches in A/R and merge. SETUP U4MEN9-OPTION 15 Activate Optional Features Invoice Entry: – Optional: Only show contracts in date range Y/N This also applies to Prepays and Booking Work Orders: – Optional: Workorders-update inventory Y/N This affects all inventory Grain: – Update Grain live during A/R Invoicing? Y/N – Optional: Override unit price on Grain local sale Y/N A/R setup required for price levels A G V A N T A G E
Grain Live You may want to change ‘Allow overdraw of Grain Bank = N’ in U5MNST-OPTION 1. Constants Information. A G V A N T A G E
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions The following example shows – Invoicing a customer’s grain bank – Charging the balance as a local sale. Create PC 40 = Grain Bank – U5MNPU-1. Purchase Contract / Control Info. Maintenance – auto-apply = ‘Y’ A G V A N T A G E
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions Auto Apply flag set to ‘Y’ A G V A N T A G E
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions Invoice item in A/R Counter Invoicing and Work Orders/Feed A G V A N T A G E
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions Select Purchase Control A G V A N T A G E F12 Cancel to charge balance as a local sale or select control again to overdraw grain bank if allowed. Invoice of 2000#, apply 1000# to GB Control 188
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions A G V A N T A G E 1000# balance - F12 & Invoice as a local sale item
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions Change item number to local sale item. A G V A N T A G E
Processing Grain Bank & Local Sales Transactions Item displays and ‘G’ Code A G V A N T A G E
Affects to Grain Purchase Controls received units are reduced A G V A N T A G E
Affects to Grain Daily Position Transactions A G V A N T A G E
Grain Bank Open Loads Reports Grain Management – Open Loads Grain Bank Control U5MNMG - Grain Management Menu - 1. Customer Information A G V A N T A G E
Grain Bank Out Load from Open Loads A G V A N T A G E
Share Grain Bank Controls Invoicing using Multi-Customer: – This feature allows the invoicing customer to use the primary customer’s grain bank control. See A/R Multi-Customer document. Customer (A) is the invoicing customer Customer (B) is the primary customer From this Grain Bank Application Screen below my options are: – A –Select invoicing customer’s zero balance grain bank control causing the control balance to go negative – B –Select the primary customers control Or – F12 cancel out of Grain Bank Application Screen and charge as a local sale item at retail price. A G V A N T A G E
Share Grain Bank Controls Counter Application Screen A G V A N T A G E
Share Controls/Contracts Setup Applies to Grain Bank Controls & Sales Live U4MEN9-26 (also used for Prepay & Bookings) A G V A N T A G E
Share Controls/Contracts Setup Setup Screen A G V A N T A G E
Share Controls/Contracts Setup Add a share A G V A N T A G E
Sales Live Updates the Sales Contract units from A/R Invoice and uses the contract price. A/R creates position transactions to DPR when grain product is sold. No booking contract is required for pricing. A/R updates grain once the invoice is printed, not waiting for an A/R merge. A G V A N T A G E
Prior to Sales Live Setup PRIOR TO SETUP: Create all Interface batches in A/R and merge. Update applied bushels with current booking balances. U4MEN5-OPTION 12- Remove a Selected Customer’s booking that match Grain Sales Contracts. A G V A N T A G E
Sales Live Setup SETUP U4MEN9- OPTION 15 Activate Optional Features Accounts Receivable Invoice Entry: Only show contracts in date range... Y Grain: Update Grain live during A/R Invoicing?. Y A G V A N T A G E
Processing Sales Live Sales Contract – U5MNSL option 1 A G V A N T A G E
Processing Sales Live The Sales Contract acts the same as Bookings and Prepay transactions. A G V A N T A G E
Processing Sales Live A G V A N T A G E The Sales Contract acts the same as Bookings and Prepay transactions. The Sales Contract acts the same as Bookings and Prepay transactions.
Processing Sales Live A G V A N T A G E Item displays and ‘S’ Code
Affects to Grain A G V A N T A G E Updates the contracted units by 1000 from an entry to a local sale item
Affects to Grain Daily Position Transactions Position Year Units Reference LOC SALE LOC SALE LOC SALE A G V A N T A G E
Sales Reports 4. Control Balances with Shipment Detail A G V A N T A G E
Sales Reports 8. Contracts by Delivery Date A G V A N T A G E
Grain Bank, Local Sales & Sales Live A/R updates Grain when the invoice is printed. Changes, deleted grain items and deleted invoices will change Grain once the invoice is reprinted or deleted. The date on you A/R invoice is the date of the grain bank load and position adjustments. – Recommendations: No reopening an A/R Batch that’s been merged. Delete A/R invoices and batches using the menu options only. No back dating of invoices after Grain runs Captured Files option. A G V A N T A G E
Multi Customers Accounts Grain Bank has the ability to use the primary account’s Grain Bank Control. – The Grain Bank selection screen will display when the balance is zero allowing you to decide how to handle the remaining balance. Local Sales has the ability to use the primary account’s Sales Contract. – You will not be allowed to overdraw a Sales Contract. The balance will go out with the current retail price on the item. A G V A N T A G E
End Of Month Reporting STOP THE TRAIN!!! A G V A N T A G E
End Of Month Capture Allows entry of daily activity for new month to continue even though EOM reports have not been run. Minimizes EOM down time between entering EOM prices, reports and next month’s activity A G V A N T A G E
End Of Month Capture A G V A N T A G E Captures different files in COxYYYYMM library
End Of Month Capture A G V A N T A G E Copies data for the month & year selected: Purchase Loads Contract Settlements Pricings Advances Co Transfers Sales Contracts Shipments
End Of Month Capture Things to AVOID doing in the new month until files have been captured: – Change & Delete Loads – Transfers between customers – Reshrink on a control – Update Discounts – Split Transfers – Lot Maintenance – Deferred Payment Checks – Averaging – Accrued Storage – Sales settlements A G V A N T A G E
End Of Month Capture Commonly used reports available from Captured Files Contracts to Market valuation – Cash Price or Basis Purchase Control reports by Control, Customer Name, Crop, Loc Purchase & Sales Contract Delivery Reports Priced, Unpriced, Pricing detail w/Weighted Average Purchase & Sales Contract Pricing by Customer Purchase & Sales Advances Shipments Intransit Sales Control Current Balances Sales Control Balances with Shipment Detail A G V A N T A G E
End Of Month Capture Merge A/R Invoices with Grain Transactions – Local Sales and Grain Bank withdrawals Complete Grain Activities – Inbound Purchases – Outbound Sales – Management Grain charges to AR – Storage, drying, etc Grain End of Day Run AR Statements & Sales Reports Maintain Board of Trade Prices using current files Capture Files Run grain reports A G V A N T A G E
Questions Let’s Talk! A G V A N T A G E Check our On-lineTraining at
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