Nadège Peltier Lycée Jules Lecesne Avril 2009
PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON Class : Terminale BTn Type of lesson : 2 hours of AT (applied technique) The general theme : accomodation The subject : welcoming guest at the reception desk The topic : checking in Group of 10 Length : 2 hours (1h5o) My objective Previous lesson : Booking a room on the telephone Next lesson : Checking in (evaluation)
LESSON PLAN Beginning (DNL lesson, register) Warm up Activity 1 : Writing a dialogue Written record : Procedure sheet Activity 2 : Role play in pair Summing up Homework
WARM UP DESCRIBING A PICTURE Why ? How ? Help – why/how questions – Warm up check in.PDFWarm up check in.PDF Why ? How ? Help – why/how questions – Warm up check in.PDFWarm up check in.PDF 15 minutes Spoken interaction
ACTIVITY 1 : WRITING A DIALOGUE A writing role play in pair Check in – Role play.PDF With guest and receptionist information Why ? How ? With whom ? 40 minutes (5+30+5) Spoken production
WRITTEN RECORD : PROCEDURE SHEET Learning the technical procedure to welcome guest P rocedure check in.PDF P rocedure check in.PDF Why ? How ? 15 minutes Listen and written comprehension
ACTIVITY 2 : ROLE PLAY IN PAIR Acting a role play to use again the vocabulary learned and acquire the process. Volunteers pick up a 1 paper out of 10, give it to the teacher/assistant, and get ready at the reception desk to play the role The others fill in a work sheet while listening The aim Activity 2.PDF Activity 2.PDF 20 minutes Interactive comprehension and Listening comprehension
SUMMING UP HOMEWORK Reminding the main steps of the process by a student Presenting the next lesson : role play evaluation Learning the procedure sheet Revise the vocabulary Train themselves for role play if they want because of the test (advice) 5 minutes Listening comprehension 5 minutes Interactive comprehension