Vernal Ponds Contained Basin Depressions Lacking a Permanent Above Ground Outlet Small Pool in a shallow Depression of a Wooded Area
Pool Formed by a Flooded Meadow Pool in a Vegetated Wetland
Pool in a Red Maple Swamp Large Pool Among Hills in an Upland Forest
Obligate Vernal Pond Breeders Wood Frogs Wood Frogs Mole Salamanders Mole Salamanders –Spotted –Jefferson/Blue Spotted –Marbled Fairy Shrimp Fairy Shrimp
Spotted Salamander Ambystoma Maculatum
Spring Migration of Spotted Salamanders Spring Migration of Spotted Salamanders
Spotted Salamander Congress Spotted Salamander Congress
Spotted Salamander Spermatorphores
Spotted Egg Masses Spotted Egg Masses Developing Eggs Egg Masses Most Often On Vegetation
Spotted Salamander Larvae Incomplete Metamorphosis
Blue Spotted Salamander Other Obligate Mole Salamanders
Jefferson Salamander
Marbled Salamander Marbled Salamander
Wood Frogs Rana Sylvatica Adult Females The Quacking Frog
Engaged In Amplexus Wood Frog Eggs Engaged In Amplexus Wood Frog Eggs External Fertilization
Wood Frog Communal Egg Masses
Wood frog Metamorphosis Tadpoles Tadpole to frog
Emergent Wood Frog with Tail Remnant
Fairy Shrimp 1 – 2 inch crustaceans that Swim upside down
Facultative Vernal Pond Breeders Spring Peepers Spring Peepers Eastern Newts Eastern Newts Spadefoot Toad Spadefoot Toad American Toad American Toad Fowlers Toad Fowlers Toad Pickerel Frog Pickerel Frog Leopard Frog Leopard Frog Green Frog Green Frog Bullfrog Bullfrog Gray Tree Frog Gray Tree Frog Spotted Turtle Spotted Turtle Blandings Turtle Blandings Turtle Wood Turtle Wood Turtle Invertebrates Invertebrates
Facultative Amphibians Spring Peeper Facultative Amphibians Spring Peeper Distinguishing characteristics: X Marks the Spot and the Pads on the Toes
Fowlers Toad Other Facultative Amphibians Spadefoot Toad
Leopard Frog Pickerel Frog
Bullfrog Bullfrog Largest New England Frog
Gray Treefrog Gray Treefrog
American Toad Distinguishing Characteristics Warts White Line down the Center of the Back
Facultative Breeders Green Frogs Common Lake/Pond Species Distinguishing Characteristics Green Throat Ridge Lines from Eyes to Hind Legs
Eastern Newts Eastern Newts Adult and Juvenile Red Eft
Facultative Reptiles Facultative Reptiles Spotted Turtle Blandings Turtle Wood Turtle
Vernal Pond Invertebrates Vernal Pond Invertebrates Isopod Backswimmer Dragonfly Nymph
Fingernail Clams and Flat Snails
Threats to Vernal Ponds Development Development Logging Logging Recreation Recreation Other? Other?
Vernal Pond Certification with Obligate Species Signed Observation Form Signed Observation Form USGS Map + One Other Map USGS Map + One Other Map Evidence of Obligate Species Evidence of Obligate Species –Photo of Pool Holding Water –Photo of Obligate Species Breeding
Certification of Vernal Pond with Facultative Species Signed Observation Form Signed Observation Form USGS Map + One Additional Map USGS Map + One Additional Map Photos Photos – Photos of Pool Holding Water and the Pool Dry – Photos of two or more Facultative Species
Certification of Dry Vernal Pool Signed Observation Form Signed Observation Form USGS Map + One Other Map USGS Map + One Other Map Photos Photos – Photo of the Pool Basis Without Water – Photo of Facultative Species Persistent After Pool Drying such as snail shells, fingernail clam shells, exuvia of dragonflies and damselflies