-- NRL Presentation -- Rendezvous, Proximity Operations & Capture for ATV and HTV Aeroscience and Flight Mechanics Division GN&C Design and Analysis Branch May 22-23, 2002
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 2 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Big Picture ATV/HTV –Endorse Certificate of Flight Readiness (Safety first) Vehicle Integration/Compatibility with ISS Assessment of mission success Flight Aspects –Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, Capture/Docking/Separation, Departure –Emphasis on Demonstration mission -- first flight –Contingencies –Principal role Interface and negotiate with International Partners on behalf of ISSP Independent Assessment of GNC/Flight Systems/Mission Design and ISS Interfaces from perspective of requirements, limitations and capabilities –Analysis of GNC sensors, effectors and algorithms –Analysis and review FDIR requirements, design and capabilities –Analysis of trajectory requirements, design and safety through simulation –Analysis and review of verification methods, coverage and limitations Integration with ISS –Analysis of vehicle control for docking/capture performance (nominal and contingencies) –Analysis and review of monitoring requirements, design, capabilities and options through simulation and prototyping –Analysis and review of command and control requirements, options and capabilities –Development, analysis, and review of ICD, IRD and SSD requirements and verification –Formal Reviews (Safety, PDRs, CDRs...)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 3 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 RPOC Customers and Interfaces ESA Mission Integration VERIF SAFETY OPS EADS RSCE C&DH COMM ISS Avionics S/W CREW Launch Package Team USOS GNC MHI MELCO NASDA *Russian Vehicles RSCE* Russian IPT ROBOTICS CSA OD OM CB ER/DX NE OB DM/DO OD EV OM Trajectory Systems Engineering Flight Systems Visualization Logistics Controls Navigation Guidance FDIR Simulation and Modeling
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 4 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Robotic Capture Box Docking and Berthing Rendezvous & Proximity Operations Nav –Relative GPS –Laser Reflectors –ISS-to-Vehicle Communication link –Russian ARD at their ports Docking –APAS -- Androgynous Peripheral Attachment System uShuttle/PMA –Probe & Cone uSoyuz uProgress uATV Robotic capture & berthing –CBM -- Common Berthing Mechanism uHTV –External attachment sites uExternal payload sites, truss S2 & P2 uJEM Exposed Facility A = APAS P = Probe & Cone C = CBM A A C P P P +R Bar Approach V Bar Approach -V Bar Approach Soyuz & Progress Soyuz, Progress, & ATV HTV External Payload Sites
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 5 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Automated Transfer Vehicle from the European Space Agency (EADS-LV) –No people; cargo only –Performs automated rendezvous and docking to Service Module - same port as Progress –Delivers propellant, water, gas, pressurized cargo … departs with waste –Performs ISS reboost, debris avoidance maneuvers, and attitude control while attached –Launch vehicle is the Ariane 5 (French; launched from French Guyana) –First flight is planned for September ‘04 –Annual launches with six month stay at ISS –Navigation sensor suite include: GPS receivers on ATV and in ISS Service Module (position, velocity) - requires ISS- to-ATV communication link for transfer of ISS data to ATV Laser (range, range rate) - Telegoniometer Vision sensor (range, range rate, angle, angle rate) - Videometer –Attitude sensor suite include: Gyroscopes (attitude rate) Earth sensors (angles) Horizon sensors (angles) –Automated activities include: Software moding - preset activities applicable to specific flight phases Preset maneuver computation –Flight maneuver computation including Collision Avoidance Maneuvers - accomplished by preset activities included in multiple software modes Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Abort recognition and execution Response to a limited number of ISS Crew commands - e.g., Hold, Retreat, Resume, Escape, Abort
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 6 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 ATV the movie
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 7 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 S4 S2 S1 S3 S-1/2 Approach Ellipsoid Keep Out Sphere X = m, Z = 0 m(X = m, Z = -100 m) S0 > 10min < 65min Station keeping + 1 orbit for contingencies 30 km Pre-homing Prox. Link acquisition R-GPS convergence Homing maneuvers computation GNC parameters checked by ground GO for homing by ATV-CC > 20 Final Approach min Closing 40 min Homing 1/2 revolution Pre-homing ~40 min Sun pointing attitude - Maneuvers performed with ACS (4 PDE) Navigation sensors in hot stand-by redundancy Escape Free drift Propulsion : ACS - 2 PDE R V ATV Description (1)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 8 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 R S3S m Keep Out Sphere S m 20’ 10’2-3’ V Videometer based navigation with relative attitude (Telegoniometer based monitoring) Telegoniometer based monitoring Escape Local Vertical Local Horizontal attitude Position and attitude control performed with ACS (4 PDE) All sensors in hot stand-by redundancy Hold - Retreat - Resume (between S3 and S4) capabilities on external commands ATV Description (2) S4S4 -20 m
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 9 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Gyros + Star Tracker VDM w/AttVDMR-GPS S41 (12 m)S3 (250 m)S01 kmDocking (0 m) ATV Primary GNC sensors Gyros Telegoniometer Accelerometers + GPS Dissimilar GNC sensors S4 (20 m) Monitoring by MSU Telegoniometer + Gyros Telemetry data + KURS data ISS crew Visual aids for video monitoring Target pattern for video monitoring ATV- CC Telemetry data S2 (3.5 km) Accelerometers + Gyros ATV Description (3)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 10 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 HII Transfer Vehicle (HTV) HII Transfer Vehicle from the National Space Development Agency of Japan (MELCO/MHI) –No people; cargo only –Performs automated rendezvous to berthing box…is captured with SSRMS and attached to CBM at Node 2 Nadir –Delivers pressurized cargo (experiment payloads, consumables, water, etc,.) and unpressurized cargo (experiment payloads, batteries) … departs with waste –Launch vehicle is the HII-A (Japanese; launched from Tanegashima, Japan) –First flight is planned for November ‘05 –Biannual launches with a two week stay at ISS –Navigation sensor suite include: GPS receivers on HTV and in ISS Japanese Experiment Module (position, velocity) - requires ISS-to-HTV communication link for transfer of ISS data to HTV Laser (range, range rate) - Rendezvous Sensor Accelerometers (acceleration) –Attitude sensor suite include: Gyroscopes (attitude rate) Earth sensors (angles) –Automated activities include: Software moding - preset activities applicable to specific flight phases Preset maneuver computation –Flight maneuver computation including Collision Avoidance Maneuvers - accomplished by preset activities included in multiple software modes Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Abort recognition and execution Response to a limited number of ISS Crew commands - e.g., Hold, Retreat, Resume, Abort, Emergency separation from SSRMS, HTV thruster re-activation
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 11 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 HTV the movie
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 12 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 HTV Description (1) Sensors used –GPS –Earth sensor –Gyros
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 13 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 HTV Description (2) Sensors used –Relative GPS –Earth Sensor –Gyros –RVS (laser) –Independent R&RR using COMM
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 14 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 SAFETY OVERVIEW System, operations and safety requirements for Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, and Capture (RPOC) are specified in key bilateral/trilateral documents ( e.g., vehicle Segment Specification, ISS to vehicle Interface Requirements Document ) All safety critical functions are two-failure tolerant for catastrophic hazard All maneuvers which take vehicle trajectory into ISS “controlled” space require ground control center “GO” authorization and are initiated from default “hold” points A Collision Avoidance Maneuver (CAM) can be commanded at any time by any of the following: a) service vehicle’s Fault Detection, Isolation & Recovery (FDIR) system; b) appropriate ground control center; and c) ISS crew A monitoring capability, which allows for abort/contingency actions, is available for ISS crew to supervise automatic approach (visual, independent range/range rate data, vehicle GNC data, vehicle FDIR data); ISS crew intervention includes a small number of additional commands to control actions of service vehicle (vehicle dependent)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 15 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Operations Concept V-Bar R-Bar 4km Keep-out Sphere (200m radius) 2km 3 Sigma Dispersion Out of plane minor axis of AE is 2km 3 km radius spherical comm coverage
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 16 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Operations Concept Approach Ellipsoid (AE) 4Km X 2km X 2km centered on the ISS CG All 3 sigma trajectories must stay out prior to the AI maneuver Crew visibility is required in all lighting conditions within 1 km Approach Initiation (AI) Maneuver 3 Sigma targeting must stay outside of the KOS Space-to-space communications must be established before AI is performed If the space-to-space link is lost the vehicle automatically aborts Transition of operational authority to the MCC-H 90min prior to AI Keep-out Sphere (KOS) 200M radius sphere around the ISS Within 200m, vehicle must be within a predefined approach corridor All pre-AI coast trajectories must stay out of AE for at least 24 hours Day of Rendezvous operations (free flight & attached) must fit within 10 hour crew work day Aborts within KOS start with establishing an opening rate On departure, vehicle must exit AE within 90 min of separation on a trajectory that will not re-enter AE
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 17 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 CREW COMMAND & ABORT DESIGN Crew Hardware Button commands for time critical functions –Collision Avoidance Maneuver (CAM) –Vehicle Hold –Vehicle Retreat –HTV emergency separation in case of failed SSRMS –HTV emergency control system activation in case of failed capture Vehicle self-monitoring abort –two-string system failure –communication loss Independent avionics for CAM CAM independent of navigation solutions Abort inside the KOS starts with an opening rate
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 18 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION REQUIREMENTS The test program shall demonstrate and verify a readiness of the RPOC system including service vehicle, ISS systems, combined vehicle/ISS systems, and the system support facilities which will be used for a safe RPOC at the ISS All safety-critical functions shall be flight demonstrated: In a region that is not hazardous to the ISS Prior to when they are needed for ISS safety The technique used by the service vehicle shall be approved by the ISSP Functions to be demonstrated, as a minimum, include: Establishment of the communications link Command/Data telemetry transfer Functionality of GNC systems Collision Avoidance Maneuver Approach, including maintaining the required approach corridor and stationkeeping Emergency termination of approach Capture within predetermined kinematic parameters Complete mechanical mating and establishment of required interfaces Unmating and back-off Functionality of Service Vehicle ground support personnel and equipment Functionality of visual monitoring techniques and systems by ISS crew
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 19 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Environment Shuttle ATV HTV CRV Progress Soyuz AERCam X-38 Operational Vehicles Vehicles in Development Tech. Demonstrators ISS Proposed Future Vehicles Generic Vehicles and Systems GNC and Flight Systems Current, Planned, and Generic Robotic Systems Docking/Berthing Mechanism Models Crew-in-the-loop Support Tools - Collision Detect - Communications - Monte-Carlo - Optimization - Math Libraries - Multi-Process - Multi-Computer - Multi Body - Rigid Body - Flex Body - Orbital - Robotics - Multi-Vehicle - Contact Kinematics & Dynamics Visualization Crew Displays Sim Control, Monitor & Fault Insertion Hardware-in-the-loop GPS Targeting Algorithms Guidance Algorithms Navigation Algorithms Control Algorithms Mission & Vehicle Manager Capabilities Sensors (Gyro, Accel., GPS, Laser, etc.) Effectors (Jets, Momentum Gyros, etc.) Propellant Systems (blow-down, slosh, etc.) Communication Systems Solar Array Tracking FDIR Logic Abort Logic Direct and Remote Piloting Capabilities Crew Interfaces Generic Systems (e.g. perfect nav & effector) RPOC Tools
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 20 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 BACKUP CHARTS
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 21 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 ISS ISS configuration complex & dynamic ISS needs about 56,000 kg supplies/year Six candidate ports for service vehicles, 3 US segment, 3 Russian segment. External sites. Docking to APAS and P&C, capture and berthing to CBMs (to be discussed) ISS resources available to service vehicles dependent on attached port, negotiable ISS orbit characteristics altitude = 350 (275) to 460 km inclination = 51.6 degrees eccentricity < (0.01) attitude = -20 to +15 degrees (pitch)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 22 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Overview of Vehicles Vehicle km) Payload (407 km; 51.6º) Cargo Types Crew Rotation Pressurized Unpressurized Water, gas Crew Rotation Pressurized Unpressurized Propellant Gas, Water Crew Return Shuttle Soyuz-TM Progress-M1 ATV HTV CRV 16,420 kg 480 kg 2,230 kg 7,500 kg 6,000 kg TBD kg Pressurized Propellant Pressurized Unpressurized Available Date Available ?
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 23 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Overview of Vehicles (continued)
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 24 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 Tools – Simulation/Graphics Environment Extensive use of Trick operating system for simulation environment –Model and object based architecture hosting a collection of models and objects allowing multiple simulations with many common models (3, 6, N-DOF simulations) –Strongly data driven - Can largely define systems and events and modify events through inputs –Trick runs on multiple platforms and operating systems Main platforms: Sun (Solaris 5.8/SunOS 8.0), SGI (IRIX 6.5), PC (RedHat 7.1) Special support for: Macintosh (OS X), Power PC604 (IRIX GCC/VxWorks), Night-Hawk (Power UX), IBM (AIX), Alpha (True64), PC (Solaris) –Extensive use for H/W-in-the-loop and Human-in-the-loop simulations throughout JSC –Extensive use at JSC for many vehicle simulations - ATV, HTV, CRV, ICDS, On- orbit SES, Sprint, SAFER, AERCam, Russian Vehicles VRTool, VR Lab Graphics (DOUG) and Enigma based graphics
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 25 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 ATV/HTV Simulations – Hardware/Software Hardware-in-the-loop Closed-Loop Relative GPS Simulation –Two Force 5 GPS receivers (currently only one purchased) –Plan to use GPS signal generator & RPOC GPS models –Use same methodology/software as developed for AERCam and X-38 Simulations for Integrated Monitoring Development and Evaluation –Real-time –High fidelity graphics –Crew Interfaces –Laptop display capabilities Combined ISS, SSRMS, HTV Simulation for Capture Analysis –ISS GNC System –SSRMS - FSW, Robotics Work Station, Hardware model, boom and joint flex, LEE model –HTV GNC and Flight Systems –Crew Monitoring/Commanding capability –Real-Time for crew interface –Operators Console for test operation and failure insertion
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 26 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 ATV/HTV Simulation Summary Simulate All Phases ATV and HTV Near ISS –End part of phasing to proximity operation to capture –Separation and departure –Aborts and re-rendezvous Use Simulations for: –GNC performance analysis –Docking/SSRMS capture analysis –Monitoring development –FDIR analysis –Safety evaluation –ISS integration –Independent Verification Batch Simulations, Avionics-in-the-loop, Human-in-the-loop
Rendezvous Proximity Operations & Capture Page 27 EG Education May 22-23, 2002 ATV/HTV Simulation Capabilities Full, Single String, Rendezvous/Proximity Operations GNC for All Phases –Targeting and Guidance used by ATV and HTV and generic –Absolute state navigation GPS, INS, Generic –Relative state navigation Relative GPS, laser, vision system, generic –Attitude navigation Gyro, earth sensor, star tracker, relative attitude, generic –Controls used by ATV and HTV, phase plane, generic –Sensors/Effectors used by ATV, HTV and generic Numerous Flight System Models (comm, C&DH, docking mech. etc.) Limited multiple string instantiation for FDIR analysis Partial ATV and HTV FDIR capabilities ISS model (GNC, array rotation, collision model, etc.) Full SSRMS model (dynamics, controls, FSW, crew interface, etc.)