ICT at Oerestad Gymnasium, Denmark Presentation at the closing conference of ELFE2, Bled 13 September 2009
Some facts Upper secondary public school (general) A self-governing institution, owned by the state Situated in Oerestad, a new district in Copenhagen Start: august 2005 New building: august 2007 First school leavers: june classes, 990 students 100 teachers
ICT Structure (“1 to 1” environment) 300 iMacs 10 Mac Pro (Video and Music) 650 MacBooks (leased or owned by the students) + an unknown number of PC’s 20 PCs 100 MacBooks (for teachers + internet at home) 20 smart boards 2 1/2 IT-supporters (ICT professionals) 1/2 pedagogical it- coordinator Ethernet and WiFi
Pedagogical vision - to develop modern knowledge: qualification, competences, creativity and culture - to use a variation of teaching methods in order to train knowledge in all four aspects and to develop the individual student - to see students as learners (active and competent : investigating, collaborating, producing, expressing)
Pedagogical vision and ICT ICT is an important tool and a precondition for implementing the pedagogical vision. With the help of ICT the students can become learners, producers of knowledge. And the school will become something completely new and different: a knowledge producing organisation.
Administration Attendance Marks Timetable, booking of resources and books Organisation of teaching Goals and plans Teaching materials Assignments and handing in, Portfolio Tests, evaluation and assessment Communication Knowledge sharing Teaching tool Tools for expression and production (texts and audio and visual products) Tools for computing and data collection Specialised programs for different subjects Internet, Web 2.0, Chat, Instant messaging Smart board Virtual teaching / e-learning Combination of ICT organisation and teaching tools to make it possible for the individual student or a group of students to work with problems specially designed for him/them
Working on an ICT strategy Developing the “1 to 1” technical platform Software platform Training and innovation program for all teachers Systematic knowledge sharing (digital library of teaching materials) Virtual communication policy