NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Integration and Test Joanne Baker GSFC Code 568 August 16-17, 2005
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO testing shall be in accordance with the “LRO Verification Plan”, 431-PLAN LRO integration and test shall be performed per the “LRO Integration and Test Plan”, 431-PLAN LRO launch site activities shall be performed in accordance with the “LRO Launch Site Support Plan”. I&T Driving Documents
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center I&T Document Tree RLEP Mission Assurance Requirements 430-RQMT LRO Mission Requirements Document 431-RQMT LRO Electrical Systems Specification 431-ICD Mechanical Systems Specification 431-RQMT Contamination Control Plan 431-PLAN Thermal Systems Specification 431-SPEC GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL VERIFICATION STANDARD (GEVS) SC Subsystem & Instr. ICDs / Specifications/ Requirements Subsystem & Instr. Interface / Assembly Drawings Observatory Verification Plan & Matrix 431-PLAN LRO Ground System ICD 431-ICD Rules for the Design, Development, Validation, and Operation Of Flight Systems GSFC-STD-1000 SC PAIP 431-PLAN LRO Detailed Mission Requirements (DMR) for the LRO Ground System 431-RQMT LRO Mission Vehicle Interface Control Doc LRO System Safety Plan 431-PLAN
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Integration and Test Plan 431-PLAN Observatory Verification Plan & Matrix 431-PLAN Test Plans & Procedures WOAs LRO System Safety Plan 431-PLAN Mission Readiness Test Plan 431-PLAN Handling & Lift Procedures Simulations Contamination Control Plan 431-PLAN I&T Document Tree – cont. ITOS Procs Test Results And Reports Verification Matrix SC PAIP 431-PLAN GSE Requirements/ Specification Docs LRO Detailed Mission Requirements (DMR) for the LRO Ground System 431-RQMT Instrument Integration & Test Plans
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center I&T Document Tree – cont. Launch Site Support Plan LRO MSPSP Ground Operations Procedures Integration and Test Plan 431-PLAN LRO System Safety Plan 431-PLAN
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Orbiter Integration & Test Flow - 1 OB - Instrument Integration & Alignment Propulsion Module Delivery Inst. Interface Check Out W/ Flat Sat Battery & PSE Plate Integration Flat Sat Build Up and Checkout Flt. Power System Delivery Flt. C&DH System Delivery C&DH Plate Integration Upper Structure Integration Reaction Wheel Integration Optical Bench Delivery ST & IRU Integration & Alignment Battery & PSE Orbiter Integration & Test C&DH Integration & Test PDE Integration & Test RF components Integration & Test Preliminary Bus Functional Testing Optical Bench Integration & Test SA and HGA Integration & Test Bus Mounted Instrument Integration & Test
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Orbiter Integration & Test Flow - 2 Time Offset/Drift Test CPT ACS Polarity Test Alignment Baseline Jitter Characterization S/A and HGA Deployment Tests LOLA Boresight Alignment Instrument Functional Tests LAMP End to End Test Comm Sys End to End Test Day In the Life RF Compatibility Test Mission Sims
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Orbiter Integration & Test Flow - 3 Separation/ Shock Test Alignment Check & Functional Test EMC Thermal Vac & Balance Pre-Ship Activities Alignment Check Post Environmental CPT Bus & Instrument Special Tests Ship To KSC Post-Ship Activities Post-Ship Functional or CPT Pad Readiness Activities Pad Installation Pad Aliveness Test Fairing Installation Final Close Outs LAUNCH Spin Balance / Mass Properties Sine Vibe W/ Aliveness Acoustics W/ Aliveness Pre-Environmental Review Fueling
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center I&T Verification Summary Interfaces –Mechanical Integration; Electrical Integration Procedures; Polarity test; Alignment; Spin Balance; Mass Properties Functionality Hardware –Functional Test; Performance; Time verification; End to End Tests; Deployment Tests Functionality Software –Day in the Life; Separation timeline; Mission Sims Environments –Contamination; Jitter Characterization; Sine Vibe; Acoustics; Shock / Separation Test; EMC; Thermal Vac / Balance Instrument Special Tests (unique configurations) –LOLA: Boresight alignment check; LAMP: End to End Test;
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Ground Support Equipment – Orbiter Level Simulators: Instrument simulators, Spacecraft simulators; Flat Sat Mechanical GSE –Lift fixtures, handling dolly, turnover fixture, transportation fixture, thermal vac support structure. C&DH GSE –Front End Processors – S-band & Ka-band –1553 Bus Monitor –Space Wire Test Rack –Data Storage –Workstations RF racks & antenna hats Time test rack Power GSE –Solar Array Simulator; Battery Simulator; Load Box ACS GSE –Dynamic Simulator; ACS component stimulators: Star Tracker, IRU Propulsion module simulator/GSE Instrument Unique Ground Support Equipment –CRaTER: CO60 source; non-ITOS workstation; Diviner: BCE; LAMP: Vac Ion, Pump, UV light source; LEND: Californium source; LOLA: Laser Test Equipment (BCE), target; LROC: none identified Contamination –Instrument GN2 purges
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center I&T Summary Instrument requirements identified to date and understood. Most difficult area will be thermal vac test configuration. –Testing may be limited by configuration limitations. Other I&T requirements are not unique and can be realized. I&T plan will be in released draft form by mission PDR. Ready to proceed with preliminary design.