Robotics Follow up on problems/tasks Add ultrasonic sensor Homework: Maze. Catch up on any exercises. Postings
Problems/tasks ?
Dairy farm robotics Robots for milking: obotics/milking.pdf obotics/milking.pdf Robots for feeding cows: obotics/calffeeding.pdf obotics/calffeeding.pdf
What is the advantage of robots on the farm? ?
Possibilities Need to compare robots versus ??? –Make point that it became easy / easier to hire people to work with the robots Data connection –Possible with people but not as easy –Claim: these systems are better for the cows: more customization (and more milk)
Something to think about… The physical is essential but, given the physical, the data connection appears to be what made the difference.
Ultrasonic sensor Ultra means frequency above the range of human hearing –Above 4000HZ and up to around Lego sensor limited to up to 10 inches –Can choose centimeters or inches as unit Sensor sends out a signal and waits for (and measures) the time until it bounces back Multiple sensors can interfere with each other Hard surfaces give more reliable results than soft, textured surfaces.
Extra credit opportunity Research and explain (not just give a link) the use of ultrasonic sensors for focusing in cameras Summarize, explain and give benefits and drawbacks.
Ultrasonic Proximity sensor No contact needed Claimed precision is +/- 3 cm –How much is this in inches???? –What does this mean?
Lab work Using build instructions in text, add ultrasonic sensor to base robot. Use Try me program on robot to test out. Do ultrasonic reading program Do ‘move until … back up & turn’ program –Is this a possible ‘vacuum the room’ program? If not, what needs to be added?
Note: numeric reading needs to be converted to text. Otherwise, data links will change to spotted gray and program will not compile.
Lab With ultrasound directed to front: move to within 10 inches of wall, back up, turn left. With ultrasound directed to front: move to within 10 centimeters of wall, back up, turn left.
Lab/homework Combine ultrasonic and touch sensor to do maze –General idea: move ultrasonic sensor to the side. Follow wall (that, keep wall at X inches). If and when wall is closer, back up, turn left. If and when wall is further, turn right until it is at X inches. ALSO, set bumper. If tribot hits wall, back up, turn right.
Snow plow? See us/Community/NXTLog/DisplayProject.asp x?id=c73c036b-86a0-4da4-a da82c26ad4 us/Community/NXTLog/DisplayProject.asp x?id=c73c036b-86a0-4da4-a da82c26ad4 I think this moves snow/stuff out of the way, but I'm not sure. May provide ideas for your projects.
Homework POSTINGS!!! –Everyone must post and everyone must respond to someone else’s posting.