Electroplate used to make nanostructures
Can the cathode plate be insulator? Electroplate System: Can the cathode plate be coated with some conductive metal? Anode: Cu e-e- e-e- CuSO 4 Cu 2+ Power supply Cathode: plate More interesting: You can make a mark on the deposition plate yourself!!
How do we get the Cu transferred from anode to cathode?? Or X Why we can not use insulator to be cathode and why there is no deposition on marked place?? Magic ?
Cu Cu 2+ +2e - Cu 2+ +2e - Cu AnodeCathode Cu transition with NO change of solutions concentration!! CuSO 4 Cu Cu 2+ e-e-
Why we choose electroplate to make nanostructure?? The process is easy to operate and only needs simple equipments. Its easy to control the deposition rate by controlling the voltage/current. Its a good way to make Nanowries. diblock template (1um) gold silicon wafer
200 nm silicon gold electrodeposited Co nanowires unfilled polymer template Application Data storage devices
Power supply Wires Some kind of metal rod A conductive plate Solution with the same kind of element as metal rod A marker and acetone What we need for a demonstration??