Regional Disaster Preparedness workshop and CAP planning workshop -- 27/28th August, Moroto
Potential emergencies and their impact 1- Drought
Effects of drought ( impact 80%) Loss of life ( livestock and human) Increased conflict over access of pasture and water Displacement ( internal/esternal) Increased food insecurity Enviromental degradetion Water shortages ( human and livestock)
Potential emergencies and their impact 4 - Floods
Effects of floods (impact 40%) Increase of mortality, morbility ( water vectors borne diseases) Loss of property (increase of poverty) Disruption of basic services/infrastructure Loss of crops/ food stocks Increased displeacement (human/livestocks) Increased food prices /commodities Increase livestocks diseases Diversion/reallocation of resources Loss of soil fertility
Potential emergencies and their impact 2- Livestock and human epidemic
EPIDEMICS Impact human 30%, livestoks 60% Loss of life ( human and livestocks) Reduced productivity Poor quality of animals products Increased pressure on health/veterinary services Restricted movements Increased HH poverty Loss of alternative services of incame Increased malnutrition Increased disability and vulnerability
Potential emergencies and their impact Insecurity
INSECURITY Decreased acces by service providers Decreased access to basic services Population movement / out migration Limited movements Loss of life, assets, property Increased prices/commodities Increased tension between the population and government authorities
INSECURITY (impact 75%) Increased negative pubblicity Increased protection/violtions + abuses Reducted productivity Overcrowding of livestock
Health interventions OBJECTIVES: reduce mortality and morbility (water, sanitation, diseas, malnutrition) to accetable minimum standard ACTIONS 1.Estimation nutritional and disease surveillance ( Resp. Gov, WHO, UNICEF, NGOs) 2.Management and treatment of malnutrition and diseses 3.Stockepile of essential medical supplies
4. Mobilasation and sensitisation ( Resp IRC, Communities) 5. Training of health personnel in preparedness 6. Est Coordination structures for response (Resp. IRC, OCHA) 7.Secondment of staff recruitment & training of extra staff
8. Estenal Mobile clinics 9 Clear and coincise exit strategy ( do no harm, avoid duplication)
“Floods” Vector borne diseases, malaria measles 10- Immunization programme 11- IRS ( indoor residual spraying)
“INSECURITY” ( trauma, HIV/AIDS, GBV, STDs, PS) 12. Incease number of surgical staff 13. Increase counselling services 14. Protection of access to health services (supplies, buildings, staff, patients) CROSS CUTTING ISSUES ???
Potential emergencies and their impact 5 - Fires