Experience Sharing of Implementing Community Led Total Sanitation in Union Council Samaro – Umerkot Sindh By Thardeep Rural Dev. Program (TRDP) In Collaboration with Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN)
Profile and Pre Project Situation of UC Samaro Villages45 Villages45 Households2289 Households2289 Population14563 Population14563 Children under age 10 yrs35 % Children under age 10 yrs35 % Open Defecation Practice Practice of open defecation 53.4 % (1213 Hh) Practice of open defecation 53.4 % (1213 Hh) Major site of open defecation- fields 76 % Major site of open defecation- fields 76 % Never thought of building a latrine 30 % Never thought of building a latrine 30 % Estimated cost of latrine (as per community) Rs Estimated cost of latrine (as per community) Rs. 7500
Pre Project Situation of UC Samaro Main source of drinking water (open well) 58.0 % Main source of drinking water (open well) 58.0 % Water purification at HH level 30 % Water purification at HH level 30 % Diarrhea incidence 20 % (every fifth person) Diarrhea incidence 20 % (every fifth person) Malaria 17 % Malaria 17 % Skin diseases 7 % Skin diseases 7 %
Project Site U.C Samar o where CLTS- Project is running
Pre & Post Situation
Triangle of Project Stakeholders Local Govt TRDP & Other technical partners Communities
Why we selected UC Samaro Samaro Less Education PovertyUrban/Rural Close Coordination with LG Backwardness
Why CLTS Approach? No hardware was required No hardware was required No materials required No materials required Time saving Time saving No external technical expertise was required No external technical expertise was required Mostly latrines built by women & children Mostly latrines built by women & children More innovative approaches by community (local material used) More innovative approaches by community (local material used) Women were trainers & practitioners of CLTS approach Women were trainers & practitioners of CLTS approach No external subsidy was required No external subsidy was required Latrines built on self-help basis Latrines built on self-help basis Less expensive (Money saving) Less expensive (Money saving) Acceptable for poor households (no cost involved) Acceptable for poor households (no cost involved)
Capacity Building of Community Activists (May 2007)
Social Mobilization Sensitization & Awareness Through: Community Activists (social mobilization) Community Activists (social mobilization) WOMEN played a key role WOMEN played a key role Religious leaders (talking CLTS in juma prayer) Religious leaders (talking CLTS in juma prayer) Teachers (Schools health and hygiene session) Teachers (Schools health and hygiene session) Lady Health Workers (health sessions) Lady Health Workers (health sessions) UC Councilors/ Nazims (reward, advocacy) UC Councilors/ Nazims (reward, advocacy)
UC Nazim – Leader of Social Change (with a delegation of RSPs staff)
CLTS Steps / Mobilization Process
Transect Walk / Walk of shame
Social Mapping
Calculation of Faeces
Involving Children in CLTS
Fields Fluid Flies Flow Diagram Fingers
Planning for solution (Action Plan)
Case Studies Oako ki Kahani – A natural leader Oako ki Kahani – A natural leader Hasan Shah Baghban – A woman who initiated before CLTS activities launched. Hasan Shah Baghban – A woman who initiated before CLTS activities launched.
Local solutions /Monitoring of progress Using local materials & appropriate model (pit latrine etc). Using local materials & appropriate model (pit latrine etc). Monitoring through local leaders Monitoring through local leaders Establishment of monitoring system (Total HH, with /without latrine /currently using and target no. of households). Establishment of monitoring system (Total HH, with /without latrine /currently using and target no. of households).
Emergence of natural leaders during social mobilization process
Local Solutions
Lesson Learned Women and children involvement played a key role in achieving the target of ODF. Women and children involvement played a key role in achieving the target of ODF. Supportive role of UC /TMA Nazims in sustaining the change. Supportive role of UC /TMA Nazims in sustaining the change. Regular monitoring by TRDP senior colleagues Regular monitoring by TRDP senior colleagues No-resistance to change by communities (easily accepted the CLTS approach). No-resistance to change by communities (easily accepted the CLTS approach). School teachers /religious leader role. School teachers /religious leader role. Experiencing the pit latrine in sandy area. Experiencing the pit latrine in sandy area.
Religious leader was found always one step ahead of other stakeholders
Current Status (Oct 2008) All five villages with 2289 households have stopped open defecation practice in open spaces. All five villages with 2289 households have stopped open defecation practice in open spaces. Impact Assessment conducted by Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) & RSPN. Impact Assessment conducted by Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) & RSPN. CLTS initiative is being documented as part of the national CLTS documentation by RSPN. CLTS initiative is being documented as part of the national CLTS documentation by RSPN.
Moving on Sanitation Ladder Most of HHs have improved their pit latrines in UC Samaro Most of HHs have improved their pit latrines in UC Samaro The latrine design evolved & improved gradually. The latrine design evolved & improved gradually. There regular use of latrine is an evidence of behavior change. There regular use of latrine is an evidence of behavior change.
Moving on Sanitation Ladder Stepping on 2 nd step of CLTS: Solid Waste Management initiated with support from UC & Tehsil Nazim and RSPN’s technical support (Pak Rs 6.75 Million) Stepping on 2 nd step of CLTS: Solid Waste Management initiated with support from UC & Tehsil Nazim and RSPN’s technical support (Pak Rs 6.75 Million) Stepping on 3 rd step of CLTS: Low Cost Sanitation Mode launched with support from UC /TMA & RSPN/TRDP (Pak Rs Million) Stepping on 3 rd step of CLTS: Low Cost Sanitation Mode launched with support from UC /TMA & RSPN/TRDP (Pak Rs Million) Project Site is open for visitors of other RSPs /NGOs (UNICEF, WSP-SA, RSPs staff /community activists and many other local NGOs visited) Project Site is open for visitors of other RSPs /NGOs (UNICEF, WSP-SA, RSPs staff /community activists and many other local NGOs visited)
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