Region 6 Budget Mid-Year Status Scott Tamashiro R6 Treasurer 8 August 2015
Status - Transactions 2014 –28 transactions processed including 22 checks written (0 received) 6 transfers to (0 transfers from) 0 credit card charges (0 debits) 2015 –304 transactions processed including 187 checks written (7 received) 57 transfers to (49 transfers from) 4 credit card charges (0 debits) 9/13/20152
Status – Concentration Banking Concentration Banking (600000) –Planned Reserve Spending: $115,000 –Current Reserves: $144, /13/20153 HOPJanuary 1July 31Net #600000$78,486.20$25,916.62($53,569.58)
Status - Top Level Budget 9/13/20154 ‘15 Budget‘15 Spend (8/7/15)‘15 Net Expenses$330,550.00$277, $52, Income$208,000.00$257, $49, Income + Reserve Transfer$333, Net (Income)-$122, $20, $23, Net (Income + Reserves)$2, $101, Exceeding projected income –Note: NIC Funding (25K), Joint R4 (20K), Mic sales (5K) On track to exceed spending –Note: NIC spending (25K), Joint R4/R6 (40K) Budget assumes a $115,000 transfer of reserves –Typically, we never need to but this year we will –Will be offset with $2 increase per R6 member next year (~$80K)
1.00 Contributions N/A 9/13/20156
2.00 Income - Activities 9/13/20157 Noteworthy Expect large change in next 5 months
3.00 Income – OU, Investments, Etc. 9/13/20158
4.00 Expenses – Programs (10-60) 9/13/20159
4.00 Expenses – Programs (70) 9/13/201510
4.00 Expenses – Programs (80) 9/13/201511
4.00 Expenses – Programs (85-90) 9/13/201512
5.00 Expenses – Mgmt & General (10-20) 9/13/201513
5.00 Expenses – Mgmt & General (30-60) 9/13/201514
6.00 Expenses – Fundraising 9/13/ N/A
MEETINGS 9/13/201516
Operational Committee 2012 Spring (San Diego) 2012 Fall (Portland) 2013 (Las Vegas) 2014 (San Jose) 2015 (San Diego) Income----$20, Expense – Program$2,948.09$10,480.24$4,438.98$21,704.96$40, Expense – Travel$19,896.47$21,197.73$41,108.61$30,111.54$45, Net Total$22,844.56$31, Net Annual Total$54,522.53$45,547.59$51,816.50$64, /13/ Despite more expensive hotel, extra day, F&B and A&V $2.2K cheaper than 2014 Extra night, higher rate, and poor travel choices made 2015 $15.2K more expensive However, total cost still under budget ($67K)
Area Meetings Area2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2014 Spring 2014 Fall 2015 Spring 2015 Fall Northwest$8,626.58$5,783.06$2,804.76$6,906.20$4,192.15$24,853.93$7,838.20w/SW Central$7,013.32$2,764.91$6,582.53$4,084.97$4,954.27$6,456.76$5,591.73TBD Southern$2,323.07$3,767.29$0.00$624.40$2,710.85$15,076.79$3,786.13TBD Southwest$11,777.24$4,982.65$9,249.64$10,387.19$11,004.68w/SO$6,606.56TBD Northeast$4,171.42$4,709.99$0.00$5,376.10$3,207.97w/NW$2,548.74w/CE Total$33,911.63$22,007.90$21,441.69$27,378.86$26,069.92$46,387.48$26, Annual Total $55,919.53$48,820.55$72,457.40TBD 9/13/ Joint Area Meetings more expensive due to much higher attendance and longer meetings (e.g., NWxNE 1.5 days) Remaining 2015 Area Budget: $50, ($77K)
CONFERENCES 9/13/201519
Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2011 (Seattle) 2012 (Seattle) 2013 (San Jose) 2014 (San Jose) 2015 (Seattle) Seed Money-$10, Disbursement$2,947.00$53,301.04$32,378.01$24,300.00TBD Additional--$125, Net Total-$7, $82,068.13$22,378.01$14,300.00TBD 9/13/ lessons learned applied in 2013
Sustainable Technologies Conference (SusTech) 2013 (Portland) 2014 (Portland) 2015 (Ogden) Seed Money$0.00-$2, $2, Disbursement$0.00$7,250.00TBD Additional--- Net Total$0.00$5,000.00TBD 9/13/ : Held in conjunction with IEEE- USA Annual Meeting (no R6 ownership) 2014: Held ExCom in Portland to cover attendee room shortfall 2015: Expect return of seed money+
Virtual Career & Talent Expo (CTE) 2015 (Virtual) Virtual Conference Expense -$16, Sponsors$17, Additional- Net Total$1, /13/ : Planned for one month (June), now on-going; designed not to lose money per agreement with INXPO
Rising Stars Conference (RSC) 2015 (Las Vegas) 2016 (Las Vegas) Meetings & Ops-$27, $5, Travel-$7,552.23TBD Planning Meeting-$1, $7, Registration$18,900.93TBD Sponsors$0.00$1, Net Total-$18,217.32TBD 9/13/ : Late start, leftover PACE used to match Section attendee, speakers mostly paid by company/self, 1 st use of Camtasia and live streaming of main stage 2016: Strong speakers list and sponsor contacts
What else? Phoenix Section still owes $400 for 4 Mic Sets (3/26) Recurring $30 PayPal monthly for Business account – need to take advantage and incorporate premium features Travel wise but safe 9/13/201524
Thank you! 9/13/ Contact me if you have questions