Transformation means change. We must change from a low achieving school to a high achieving school. We must change the culture of our school. Everyone must change -PECHS Faculty and Staff -Students -Parents
The State and Federal Government provides money to support academic improvement. -Incentives for students -Positions that will support student achievement(students support specialist, Internal Lead Partner). -Supplies for Teachers -Professional Development for Teachers -Physical Transformation of Facilities
Each school in transformation must have an external partner as a consulting firm. - PECHS’s external partner is Cambridge Education. CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU!!!!!
Prince Edward County High School has not been successful in meeting state and federal benchmarks in several years. -English -math -On-time graduation rate -attendance
We must reach academic benchmarks in core areas. 90% of our students must pass a math SOL. 91% of our students must pass the English 11 SOL. At least 70% of our students must pass a science SOL At least 70% of our students must pass a history SOL.
Our school must at least have a 94% attendance rate for the year. Our school must have at least an 85% on time graduation rate.
Our school has the potential to be the best school in the state. Our school’s reputation is at stake. Our school is a representation of all of us. Education means money.
August97.21%94% September93.78%94% October93.37%94% November92.63%93% December87.82%94% January91.91%94% February90%93%
st six weeks nd six weeks rd six weeks th six weeks Simulation test SOL Pass rate English 973.7%85.3%79.6%73%NA English %68.1%81.6%78.7%NA English %76.8%83.5%79.7% Algebra I53.1%73.3%58.9%81.2% Algebra II70.1%70.7%64.9%89.2% Geometry11.9%18.4%16.8%28.1% Earth Science39.8%35.9%21%44.9% Biology53.3%42.4%55.8%61.2% Chemistry81.7%78.3%74.5%80.9% World History I49.2%34.1%76.1%76% World History II85.6%80.8%92%93% VA History45%75.3%88.5%82.4%