From: Figley, C. R. (2008). Trauma-informed Counseling: Lessons from the Field and Applications to Licensing Boards. Invited address to the American Association of State Certifying Boards. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 11. Update: Standards now on line at
Part V: A Proposal for a Trauma-Informed Counselor Education Good news (as of last week): Final Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Recommendations to the SRC Regarding Emergency Preparedness Language for Insertion Into the 2009 CACREP Standards
Part V: A Proposal for a Trauma-Informed Counselor Education Good news (as of last week): Final Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Recommendations to the SRC Regarding Emergency Preparedness Language for Insertion Into the 2009 CACREP Standards
Part V: A Proposal for a Trauma-Informed Standard Section: SECTION II: PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY: professional roles, functions and relationships, including strategies as members of an interdisciplinary emergency management response team during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events,
CACREP Standard Section: SECTION II: PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY (cont) self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor role, including compassion fatigue, burnout and secondary traumatization, effects of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events on individuals of all ages;
CACREP Standard Section: SECTION II: PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY (cont) Crisis theories and intervention models including the use of psychological first aid an integrated team approach to preparedness and response to crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events
CACREP Standard Section: SECTION II: PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY (cont) ‘biopsychosocial assessment and crisis assessment,’
CACREP Standard Section: Addiction Counseling Understands the impact of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events on individuals with addictions.
CACREP Standard Section: Addiction Counseling (cont.) Understands principles of intervention for individuals with addictions during times of crisis, disasters and other trauma casing events, including the emergency management system within the addiction agency and community.
CACREP Standard Section: Career Counseling Understands the impact of crises, disasters and other trauma causing events on individuals’ career planning and development.
CACREP Standard Section: Career Counseling (cont.) Applying appropriate strategies following crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Understands the operation of an emergency management system within clinical mental health agencies and the community. Understands phase-specific interventions for individuals during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events, including the emergency management plan within the agency and community.
CACREP Standard Section: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (cont) Understands the potential impact of and principles of intervention for individuals and groups with special needs during times of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (cont) Provides appropriate strategies when working with individuals during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events. Proficient in ‘biosocial assessment and crisis assessment’
CACREP Standard Section: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (cont) Differentiate appropriate clinical skills in an office setting from appropriate intervention strategies in the midst of a crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event.
CACREP Standard Section: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (cont) Understands the appropriate and inappropriate use of diagnosis in a disaster environment. Differentiate between diagnosis and normal reactions during a crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event.
CACREP Standard Section: College Counseling and Student Development Understands the operation of the institutions emergency management plan and the roles of student affairs professionals and counselors in postsecondary education during times of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: College Counseling and Student Development (cont) Understands phase-specific interventions for individuals within a postsecondary education community during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: College Counseling and Student Development Understands the impact of crises, disasters and other trauma causing events on individuals within the postsecondary education community.
CACREP Standard Section: College Counseling and Student Development (cont) Provides appropriate strategies when working with individuals within the post secondary education community.
CACREP Standard Section: Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling Understands the impact of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events on marriage, couples, families and households.
CACREP Standard Section: Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling (cont.) Heading ‘COUNSELING, PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION’ ‘crisis assessment’ after ‘symptom inventories’.
CACREP Standard Section: School Counseling Understands the impact of crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events on individuals within the school community.
CACREP Standard Section: School Counseling (cont.) Understands the operation of the school disaster and crisis response plan and the roles and responsibilities of the school counselor during a crisis, disaster or other trauma-causing event.
CACREP Standard Section: School Counseling (cont.) Understands phase-specific interventions for students, educators, families and schools during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: School Counseling (cont.) Provide appropriate strategies when working with members of the school community during crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Standard Section: School Counseling (cont.) Knows school and community collaboration models for disaster preparedness and crisis response.
CACREP Doctoral Standards Section II: Clinical Experience B Insert ‘crisis/disaster response’ after ‘clinical practice’.
CACREP Doctoral Standards Section II: Professional Identity Theories pertaining to the principles and practice of counseling, career development, group work, systems, consultation and crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events.
CACREP Doctoral Standards Section IV: Doctoral Learning Outcomes Demonstrates the application of theory and skills in a disaster environment. Knows models and treatment strategies appropriate to crises, disasters and other trauma-causing events. insert ‘crisis/disaster’
CACREP Doctoral Standards Section IV: Doctoral Learning Outcomes (cont.) Understands the National Incident Monitoring Center (NIMC) and the Incident Command System (ICS) and the importance of collaboration with a systemic interagency response during a crisis, disaster or other trauma- causing event.
Conclusion: CACREP New Trauma- informed Standards Deserves an A+ Green Cross will welcome counselors graduating from programs that follow these standards!
Resources (see handout) Oregon Department of Health Services Psychological Trauma Informed Services Policy (draft, February 2, 2007): This policy describes expectations for the implementation of psychological trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive services in human service delivery venues under direct supervision, or in contract with of the State of Oregon. Jennings, A. (2004) Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma-Specific Services. NTAC and NASMHPD. See President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Final Report. See: Green Cross Academy of Traumatology web site that identifies the standards of certification, accreditation, services, and self care. See
References (see handout) Boscarino, J. A., Figley, C. R., & Adams, R. E. (2003). Iatrogenic effects of interviewing patients recently exposed to psychological trauma. American Journal of Epidemiology. 157: 111, S71. Boscarino, J., Figley, CR., Adams, RE., Galea, S., Resnick, H., Fleischman, AR., Bucuvalas, M., and Gold, J. (2004) Iatrogenic Effects of Studying Persons Recently Exposed to Psychological Trauma. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192:8, Iatrogenic Effects of Studying Persons Recently Exposed to Psychological Trauma. Figley, C. R. (2003). Fishing Lessons for Treating the Traumatized: History of the Traumatology Certification Program. Traumatology, 9:4, (Available at )Fishing Lessons for Treating the Traumatized: History of the Traumatology Certification Program Figley, C. (2004). From Necessity to Reality: The History, Philosophy, and Programs of the Green Cross FoundationTraumatology, 10:1, (Available at ).From Necessity to Reality: The History, Philosophy, and Programs of the Green Cross Foundationhttp:// Figley, C. R. (in press 2008). Traumatology. In The Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, 2 nd edition.
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