“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a consequence of sexual violence against women and girls – recognition, counselling and competent recommendation” 2009 Trainers: Eniko Gall Liviu Gaja Asociatia pentru Libertate si Egalitate de Gen A.L.E.G. Sibiu/Romania
Target groups Institutions -Child Protection -School Inspectorate -Police -Psychiatric Hospital -County Hospital -Public Social Work -NGOs Specialists: -Social workers -School counselors -Police workers -Doctors -Nurses -Psychologists
professions & numbers
Adaptation of the concept presentation of the trainers and participants presentation of A.L.E.G. & pictures illustrating our main activities (ppt) presentation of JoinTheNet IV-All Over Europe project (ppt) warm up- my dreams/whishes (5’) film: The History of Trauma studies studies & researches in Romania and Sibiu (ppt) brainstorming: TRAUMA – word association film: What is Trauma? film: P.T.S.D. practice: the participants were asked to recall a stressful situation - gather the physical, psychological and psychosomatic reactions consequences (ppt) film: Risk group break trauma therapy, Intervention, (ppt) film: What helps? disconnecting (ppt) film: Facts and figures list of support organisations (ppt) workshop conclusions feedbacks & awarding ceremony-certificates for participants
Materials Participation certificate Feedback form
Workshop results All the participants gave us positive feed-backs regarding the workshops, the way how they were held, the received materials also they appreciated the interactions created among the other participants and the trainers. They enjoyed the workshop’s location and atmosphere. The participants expressed their interest regarding the P.T.S.D. subject and suggested to continue with this kind of workshops and to make them more specific/concrete, with real examples of intervention (case studies etc.). The participants appreciated the List of help organisations, some of them herd for the fist time of some institutions, they were glad to learn that are other institutions where they can refer their cases/beneficiaries.
Suggestions/requests from the participants more concrete intervention techniques case studies, intervention examples and results (from A.L.E.G./participants) building a support network visiting women’ shelter role play more information regarding this kind of subjects in different institutions what can we do with the aggressors? what can we do with the abused children? activities for individual counselling statistics, surveys concrete collaboration opportunities among/between public & private institutions support/help for the institutions which are dealing with victims of violence recommended other organisations to be added to the List of help organisations
...in the newspaper Workshop promotion During Workshops
Mass-media ole&id=1183&titlu=Ateliere_gratuite__pentru_stres ole&id=1220&titlu=Atelier_%EEmpotriva_violen%FEei_sex uale__asupra_femeilor_
PTSD workshop in images