Galela Tobelo Manado Ternate Tidore Palu Poso Seram Island Buru Island Ambon Kai Islands/ Tual Jump to Aceh Slides
TOBELO Security: Tense, but no active conflict reported recently Access: Complicated, but negotiated access possible to WVI. ICRC continues to be excluded from the area Int. NGOs: WVI, MCI UN Action/plan: Staff of Ternate Resource Centre, opened 2/8/2000, will attempt to negotiate access to make their own assessment of the situation. Needs: To be assessed Tobelo
TIDORE Tidore Population: 43, 000 IDPs: 12, 000 Security: Calm, no recent unrest Access: Generally good Int. NGOs: MSF-F, ACF, WFI, ICRC (from Ternate) UN Action/plan: Ternate UN Resource Centre will periodically visit and report on the situation Needs: Detailed sectoral assessment required Tidore
GALELA Galela Security: Reportedly tense but no recent fighting Access: Restricted, but negotiable through local factions for operational NGOs Int. NGOs: ICRC, WVI, MCI UN Action/plan: Ternate Resource Centre staff will visit periodically and make recommendations for new and revised programme interventions Galela
TERNATE Ternate Population: 105,000 IDPs: 73,000 Security: Calm Access: Generally good Int. NGOs: MCI, WVI UN Action/plan: The UN Resource Centre, based here, will develop close working relationships with provincial authorities, communities and operational agencies to help ensure close co-operation and co-ordination throughout the province on all humanitarian operational matters including access, assessments and delivery. Needs: detailed sectoral assessments required Ternate
AMBON Ambon Population: 350,000 IDPs: 150,000 Security: Tense, presently sporadic outbreaks of violence Access: Complicated but manageable through negotiation with factions Int. NGOs: ACF, MSF-B, MCI UN: Resource Centre (OCHA-UNDP-WFP-UNICEF-WHO) UN Action/plan: The UN Resource Centre, based here, will develop close working relationships with provincial authorities, communities and operational agencies to help ensure close co-operation and co-ordination throughout the province on all humanitarian operational matters including access, assessments and delivery. Needs: Food, Health, Water Sanitation, Education, Shelter, Start up economic activities, Trauma counselling, Recreational activities Ambon
BURU IDPs: 25,000 Security: Reportedly tense but no recent fighting Access: Generally good Int. NGOs: -- UN Action/plan: Detailed needs assessment to be carried out by Ambon Resource Centre -- Buru Island
SERAM Seram Island Population: 50,000 IDPs: 30,000 (of which 10,000 are around Masohi) Security: Reportedly tense but no recent fighting Access: Reportedly some restrictions in vicinity of IDP concentrations Int. NGOs: -- UN Action/plan: Inter agency assessment mission being arranged by Ambon Resource Centre for week commencing 7 August Seram Island
KAI ISLANDS/TUAL Kai Islands/ Tual Population: 74,000 IDPs: 19,000 Security: Generally safe Access: No real obstacles Int. NGOs: -- UN Action/plan: Community based settlement and income generation programme to be implemented following detailed joint UNDP/GoI assessment mission to Tual in June. Needs: Shelter, reconstruction, education & rehabilitation of public utilities & income generating activities. Kai Islands/ Tual
MANADO Manado IDPs: +22,000 Security: Good Access: Good Int. NGOs: MSF-F UN Action/plan: Joint UN/GoI Inter agency assessment mission scheduled for week commencing 7 August. Manado
PALU Palu IDPs: 15,000 + growing (Palu-Parigi) Security: Calm Access: poor Int. NGOs: MSF-H pending, WVI, ICRC UN Action/plan: Joint UN/GoI Inter agency assessment mission scheduled for week commencing 7 August Palu
POSO Poso IDPs: 25,937 Security: poor, very tense Access: poor Int. NGOs: ICRC/PMI, CWS, MSFH pending Oxfam and ACF UN Action/plan: Joint UN/GOI Inter agency assessment mission scheduled for week commencing 7 August Poso