By: Matt Hohenwalter Units of Computer Memory Measurements Keystroke shortcuts Video GamesNorse Mythology Roman Mythology
Units of Measurements for 10 Which number is more accurate in measuring computer memory, 1000 or 1024? Answer: 1024 Return to Game Board
Units of Measurements for 20 How many bits are in a nibble? Answer: 4 Return to Game Board
Units of Measurements for 30 Return to Game Board How many bits are in a byte? Answer:8
Units of Measurements for 40 Return to Game Board After being rounded, how many GB are in 1 TB? Answer:1000
Units of Measurements for 50 Return to Game Board What is the name of the highest memory measurement unit? Answer: Geop Byte
Keystroke Shortcuts for 10 What does Ctrl-C do? Answer: Copies Return to Game Board
Keystroke Shortcuts for 20 What is the shortcut for Print? Answer: Ctrl-P Return to Game Board
Keystroke Shortcuts for 30 What does Ctrl-O do? Answer: Opens a file Return to Game Board
Keystroke Shortcuts for 40 What is the keystroke to undo the most recent step? Answer: Ctrl-Z Return to Game Board
Keystroke Shortcuts for 50 What does Ctrl-Shift-V do? Answer: Pastes the ruler settings Return to Game Board
Video Games for 10 Return to Game Board What was the first video game console? Answer: Magnavox Odyssey
Video Games for 20 What video game console has the highest number of video game console sales of all time? Answer: PlayStation 2 Return to Game Board
Video Games for 30 What Game Did Mario Make His First Appearance? Answer: Donkey Kong Return to Game Board
Video Games for 40 What year was the GameCube released? Answer: 2001 Return to Game Board
Video Games for 50 What year was the Wii released? Answer: 2006 Return to Game Board
Norse Mythology for 10 Return to Game Board Who is the God of ski/winter, hunt, and duel? Answer: Ullr
Norse Mythology for 20 Return to Game Board Who is the God of war? Answer: Tyr
Norse Mythology for 30 Return to Game Board Who is Ran? Answer: Goddess of the sea
Norse Mythology for 40 Return to Game Board Who is Thor? Answer: The God of war and thunder
Norse Mythology for 50 Return to Game Board Who is the Trickster and God of mischief? Answer: Loki
Roman Mythology for 10 Return to Game Board Who is the God of the Sun? Answer: Apollo
Roman Mythology for 20 Return to Game Board Who was Bacchus? Answer: The God of Wine
Roman Mythology for 30 Return to Game Board Who was the messenger of the Gods? Answer: Mercury
Roman Mythology for 40 Return to Game Board Who was the smith of the Gods? Answer: Vulcan
Roman Mythology for 50 Return to Game Board Who was Janus? Answer: God of portals and doors