Profile of a Start Up Package Composite of Recent Offers in Chemical Engineering
ChE Offers Salary – it will be competitive –Based on historical information (surveys of peer schools, published surveys of salaries) and a gut feeling of what it will take. Space (ready to go and fully operational) –Two 600 ft 2 labs for experimentalists, fitted to meet immediate needs (hoods, power, etc.), each has two built-in desks. Commitment to provide more labs as they are needed. –Office(s) for graduate students and postdocs for computational folks. Appropriate space designed for clusters. –Faculty office
ChE Offers Equipment (ask, be realistic, be flexible) –$110,000 - $325,000 for the past six offers. Have a list ready while on your visit and hand it over right away. Organize into “must have and sole use”, “must have and can be shared”, “want but not critical”, “would be nice”. Supplies/services are not equipment so separate out. Consider the schedule for acquiring the items. Students (six graduate-student years or cash) –Dean provides one, Che Dept provides five –No cost at all to the faculty member – stipend, benefits, moving costs, tuition and fees. Discretionary Resources –Dean provides $5,000 –Department provides $45,000
ChE Offers Summer Salary (six summer months or cash) Teaching (think portfolio and promotion) –Need to teach undergraduate class(es) –Try to have a portfolio of 3 different classes in first five years (one core, one elective, one graduate) –One class/semester and it can be the same class for first three or four times. –Give one semester of no formal class, not in the first semester. Moving (top off what the Dean provides) Revisits (always offered and involve the significant other)
Who Negotiates? Chair? Dean? Both? Others?
Preparing to Negotiate Identify your true needs in establishing your research program and accepting a position Determine to what extent your needs can be met by equipment and facilities already in place and available for your use Don’t confuse your “needs” and your “wants” Try to determine what is and is not negotiable Try to determine what a “typical” offer includes
Negotiating You probably won’t get things you don’t ask for Don’t present a moving target Don’t negotiate against yourself Try to get as much in writing as possible to avoid later misunderstandings Be cautious in playing one university against another