Preston Middle School A STEM Middle School utilizing Pre-AP strategies to challenge and support all students as we prepare them for high school and beyond A STEM Middle School utilizing Pre-AP strategies to challenge and support all students as we prepare them for high school and beyond
Preston Middle School Preston Middle School Number of students: 750 Students per 250
6 th Grade Schedule Math daily Language Arts daily Science every other day Social Studies every other day Band, Orchestra, choir or Lang/Music exploration PE, Exploring Computer Science, Exploring technology, Discovering Art (quarters) Enrichments (4 quarters)
Pre AP School College Board's Pre-AP initiatives are designed to equip middle and high school teachers with the strategies and tools they need to engage students in active, high-level learning through which they develop the skills, habits of mind, and concepts needed to succeed in college. College Board
STEM education is an economic imperative. Experts say that technological innovation accounted for almost half of U.S. economic growth over the past 50 years, and almost all of the 30 fastest-growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some background in STEM. STEM education is an economic imperative. Experts say that technological innovation accounted for almost half of U.S. economic growth over the past 50 years, and almost all of the 30 fastest-growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some background in STEM. Change the equation Change the equation S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is the future.
STEM literacy is also critical because it has a profound and growing impact on our day-to-day lives. It helps us make critical decisions about our health care, our finances and our retirement. It illuminates the ever more complex issues that govern the future of our democracy, and it reveals to us the beauty and power of the world we inhabit. Change the equation
A literate nation not only reads. It computes, investigates and innovates. Change the equation
MATHCOUNTS Robotics competition Robotics quarter classes Robotics semester classes 4545 Science Olympiad Science Fair Intro to Aeronautics Ecology on the move zoology/oceanography 40 Intro to Biotechnology 45 Intro. to Engineering Flo Math (math circles) 1425 Summer STEM Institute Total STEM Touches ( 5 year trend)
S.T.E.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Top paid majors among the college class of 2010 Petroleum Engineering$86,220 Chemical Engineering$65,142 Mining and Mineral Engineering$64,542 Computer Science$61,205 Computer Engineering$60,879 Electrical/Electronics Engineering$59,074 Mechanical Engineering$58,392 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering $57,734 Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering$57,231 Information Sciences & Systems $54,038 Source: winter 2010 salary survey, National Association of Colleges and Employers Employers
Transitions The Process of transitioning students and families to Preston Middle School WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Positive Behavior Support Scoot Crandall Don’t Feed the Bully (6 th grade) Brad Tassel (videoconference) Success in Middle School Carol Carter Chain Links (Rachel’s Challenge) 6 th grade Lunch/Physical Education Preston Reads Family nights (NASA, Rick Riordan, Barrier Reef Aquarium) Shadowing
Standards Based Grading Moving from Traditional Grading to Standards Based Grading: A Foundational Tool for RTI Moving from Traditional Grading to Standards Based Grading: A Foundational Tool for RTI
Academic grade (90% assessment based) 4=Advanced work 3=Proficient work 2=Partially Proficient work 1 =Unsatisfactory work IE= Insufficient Evidence
Indicators4ConsistentlyExceedsexpectations3Consistentlymeetsexpectations2 Inconsistently meets expectations 1 Does not meet expectations Prepared to learn PositiveClassroombehavior Participates in learning ProductiveWorker Middle School Work Habits Grading Rubric
Hewlett-Packard Steve Forsyth Robert Vacante Colorado State University Bob Richburg (University Honors Program) Rich Feller ( Arnold Air Society (Air force ROTC) The Big Brain Club and Foundation CargillIntelAgilentWoodwardBroadcom Partnerships
Comments “The teachers at Preston are amazing and have created an environment “The teachers at Preston are amazing and have created an environment about students and they love to be there. “ about students and they love to be there. “ Bethke Parent “ I love the flight simulator class my son is participating in.” “ I love the flight simulator class my son is participating in.” Wener parent “You both know how difficult transitions are for young people and that a “You both know how difficult transitions are for young people and that a smooth one is not a given...with that said, our son has absolutely loved smooth one is not a given...with that said, our son has absolutely loved his experiences at Preston. Specifically he can't say enough about his experiences at Preston. Specifically he can't say enough about Robotics.” Robotics.” Zach parent “My daughter is happier than she has ever been in school” “My daughter is happier than she has ever been in school” Bethke Parent
Home of the Pumas Preston Middle School