Jessica Wade ( Department of Physics & Centre for Plastic Electronics Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Applying to Imperial Medicine Business Computing Science Engineering Imperial College embodies and delivers world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering and medicine, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. Medicine Business Computing Science Engineering Maths
What can you study? Over 100 undergraduate courses! Faculty of Engineering Aeronautics Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computing Design Engineering Earth Science & Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering Materials Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Natural Sciences Chemistry Life Sciences Maths Physics Faculty of Medicine Business School
Where will I live? “I have a house in London already!” All first years are offered accommodation (doesn’t matter if you live in London) “I’ll miss my mum ” Under the care of wardens, sub-wardens (post grad students) and current Imperial students “London rent is unaffordable!” £59 - £253 / week “I want my own space…” Private accommodation from 2nd year
Where will I live?
What will I do? Theatre Lectures Lab Reports Art Sport Essays Tutorials Seminars Field Work Humanities Gym and Pool Music Groups > 330 clubs
What do I do next? World’s second best university for employment Career advice after degree Summer internships at investment banks and consultancies Great starting salary- pay off any loan Go anywhere and do anything in world!
Registration essential, opens February 2015 Let me in now! E-mentoring: Imperial Open Days: Medicine 22nd April 2015 Registration essential, opens February 2015 Wednesday 24th June Thursday 25th June Saturday 19th September Imperial Festival: May 8th – 10th Summer Schools: All STEM subjects Medical School Business School Come and visit the WOHL Reach Out Lab!