The Foundation of the HIV/AIDS Business Coalition of Tanzania: In the last decade, Private Companies were globally supported by WHO, UNAIDS, GTZ, World.


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Presentation transcript:

The Foundation of the HIV/AIDS Business Coalition of Tanzania: In the last decade, Private Companies were globally supported by WHO, UNAIDS, GTZ, World Bank, and the Global Health Initiative of the World Economic Forum in setting up Business Coalitions to unite the Private Sector in the fight against HIV/Aids. Globally: 47 Business Coalitions, 28 in Africa Aids Business Coalition Tanzania 2004: 23 Tanz. Companies (init. Unilever) supported by TACAIDS, ILO, USAID, GTZ, UNAIDS founded the Aids Business Coalition Tanzania

Aids Business Coalition Tanzania: A Coalition of Tanzanian Employers who are concerned about HIV and AIDS at the workplace (75 members) A Coalition of Tanzanian Employers who are concerned about HIV and AIDS at the workplace (75 members) A non-profit, non-governmental Organization A non-profit, non-governmental Organization The officially acknowledged representation of the Private Sector (NACP, TACAIDS, TNCM) The officially acknowledged representation of the Private Sector (NACP, TACAIDS, TNCM) Supported by GTZ, USAID, TACAIDS, GFATM etc. Supported by GTZ, USAID, TACAIDS, GFATM etc.

Service Areas Epidemiological Workplace Assessments and Surveys (KAPB) Epidemiological Workplace Assessments and Surveys (KAPB) Workplace Policy and Workplace Program Development Workplace Policy and Workplace Program Development Training and Health Education (Peer Education, Coord. Trg, HBC, IEC-Campaigns etc.) Training and Health Education (Peer Education, Coord. Trg, HBC, IEC-Campaigns etc.) Resource Center (IEC, Best Practice Collections etc.) Resource Center (IEC, Best Practice Collections etc.) Monitoring and Evaluation, Technical Support Monitoring and Evaluation, Technical Support Lobby- and Advocacy, Funding (GFATM) Lobby- and Advocacy, Funding (GFATM) Networking and Linkages (National Health Systems, NGOs, Donors) Networking and Linkages (National Health Systems, NGOs, Donors)

e.g.: IEC & VCT Campaigns: Linking Private Sector with local health system (counsellors, test-kits) and other stakeholders (e.g. PSI, Femina HIP) Linking Private Sector with local health system (counsellors, test-kits) and other stakeholders (e.g. PSI, Femina HIP) Provision of information and educational materials (IEC): (Videos, DVDs, brochures and Condom promotion (male & female condoms) Provision of information and educational materials (IEC): (Videos, DVDs, brochures and Condom promotion (male & female condoms) Promotion of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) (app per month Promotion of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) (app per month Advantages: Comprehensive Service at the door-step, Trust in Confidentiality Advantages: Comprehensive Service at the door-step, Trust in Confidentiality HIV/AIDS-Interventions at the Workplace and in the Communities:

Activities: Training of Peer Educators and Home Based Care Counselors Implementation of two Health Vans (IEC & VCT) Implementation of two Health Vans (IEC & VCT) Health campaigning in the villages Health campaigning in the villages Upgrading of factory health facilities Upgrading of factory health facilities PLWHA: Nutritional education, home gardening, access to ARV PLWHA: Nutritional education, home gardening, access to ARV PPP: „Comprehensive HIV/Aids Control in the Tanzanian Tea Industry“ Objectives: Improved access to HIV/Aids prevention, diagnosis and care services for people (Wakulima/Tukuyu, Kibena/Njombe, Mufindi) Industry-specific approach Industry-specific approach Linking private business to national structures Linking private business to national structures

Peer Education and HBC: 76 Peer Educators selected and trained 76 Peer Educators selected and trained 106 Home Based Care Counselors selected and trained 106 Home Based Care Counselors selected and trained Provision of HBC-Kits, mobile phones, air-time, bicycles, raincoats, gumboots Provision of HBC-Kits, mobile phones, air-time, bicycles, raincoats, gumboots „Comprehensive HIV/Aids Control in the Tanzanian Tea Industry“

PPP: “Social Protection in Health for Tea Farmers and Workers of Afri Tea and Coffee Blenders Ltd.” PPP: “Social Protection in Health for Tea Farmers and Workers of Afri Tea and Coffee Blenders Ltd.” Mponde Tea Factory Workers, UTEGA Tea Farmers and their dependents ( ) have improved access to primary health facilities, testing, care, treatment and health education related to HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB. Objectives: Mponde Tea Factory Workers, UTEGA Tea Farmers and their dependents ( ) have improved access to primary health facilities, testing, care, treatment and health education related to HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB. Activities: Health insurance (CHF) Health insurance (CHF) Construction of a Factory Health Facility Construction of a Factory Health Facility Implementation of “Health Tricycles” Implementation of “Health Tricycles” Cooperation with Nat. TB-Program and PSI Cooperation with Nat. TB-Program and PSI Peer Education and Sensitization campaigns Peer Education and Sensitization campaigns

GFATM Round 8 Activities: „Peer Education for Private Business Companies“ 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter of 2010: 3 training units 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter of 2010: 3 training units 1st quarter 2011: 1 training units 1st quarter 2011: 1 training units Training Unit: 25 Peer Educators or Coordinators 5 days training Training Unit: 25 Peer Educators or Coordinators 5 days training Location: ABCT regions (DSM, Mtwara/Lindi, Mbeya, Arusha, Tanga, Morogoro) Location: ABCT regions (DSM, Mtwara/Lindi, Mbeya, Arusha, Tanga, Morogoro)

ABCT‘s Partners GTZ: start-up, PPPs, CIM-expert GTZ: start-up, PPPs, CIM-expert USAID: Funding, Projects & Programs, Salaries USAID: Funding, Projects & Programs, Salaries Engender Health / CHAMPION: MoU, PE-Conference in June Engender Health / CHAMPION: MoU, PE-Conference in June TCCIA: 6 Regional Advisors TCCIA: 6 Regional Advisors ILO: SME-Programs, Nat. WPP ILO: SME-Programs, Nat. WPP Egmont Trust: Nutritional Support and Access to ARVs Egmont Trust: Nutritional Support and Access to ARVs Femina Hip: SRHR, IEC-materials Femina Hip: SRHR, IEC-materials PSI: Malaria, Water safety, Condoms, SRHR PSI: Malaria, Water safety, Condoms, SRHR TACAIDS: Lobby & Advocacy, national Coordination of the Private Sector TACAIDS: Lobby & Advocacy, national Coordination of the Private Sector ATE, NACOPHA, TUCTA etc. ATE, NACOPHA, TUCTA etc.

ABCT‘s Achievements 2004: 23 member companies, 2010: 75 members 2004: 23 member companies, 2010: 75 members Recognition as the Private Sector‘s Representation for HIV and Aids (TACAIDS) Recognition as the Private Sector‘s Representation for HIV and Aids (TACAIDS) Formation of 6 regional units with TCCIA (Mbeya, Tanga, Mtwara/Lindi, Arusha, Dodoma, Morogoro) Formation of 6 regional units with TCCIA (Mbeya, Tanga, Mtwara/Lindi, Arusha, Dodoma, Morogoro) Member of TNCM Member of TNCM Formation and Training of a pool of trainers (app. 25) Formation and Training of a pool of trainers (app. 25) Drafting of National Workplace Policy Drafting of National Workplace Policy Assistance in the Foundation of the ABC-Zanzibar Assistance in the Foundation of the ABC-Zanzibar Number of Trainings: app per annum Number of Trainings: app per annum Regional cooperations: PABC (ABCT president), EABC Regional cooperations: PABC (ABCT president), EABC

ABCT‘s Current Activities 2-days Peer Educator Conference (180 Peer Educators, June, DSM) sponsored by and in cooperation with CHAMPION. Workplace programs with member companies: e.g Mponde Tea Factory (PPP), Vodacom (online-KAPB- survey, in-house training) Tanzania Breweries Ltd.: 6-weeks training session KAPB-survey for all 6 branches of Green Resources (GRAS), WPP MoU with FINTRAC (Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Program), HIV/AIDS-workplace programs to 12 agricultural and horticultural production units in Tanzania (each employees). ABCT is also involved in the training of the Tanzanian Police Force and the Swedish Workplace Program. AMREF (Global Fund ATM Quarterly Review Meeting): "keep up the god work!„ (all audits and reports without complaints, all targets met) CEO-testing Day (11th of November) (EABC, GTZ program SPAA)

Tanzanian Private Sector Forum on HIV and AIDS (TaPSFA) TACAIDS TACAIDS (calling:) Programme ManagerProgramme OfficerAccountantCommunication OfficerAdministration OfficerRegional Advisors ABCT (Secretariat of TaPSFA:) Technical Advisor (CIM)

Asanteni! Uniting employers against HIV/Aids!