1 WORKSHOP SUMMARY Nguyễn mạnh Cường, PhD 2 October 2007
2 Workshop agenda/content 1.Paris Declaration 2.Ha Noi Core Statement 3.Sharing from Local CSOs 4.Action Aids’ perspective 5.Plenary discussion 6.Group discussion 7.Plenary discussion 8.Workshop summary
3 Roles of CSOs and Aid Effectiveness Low awareness on roles of civil society (CS) CS exist in any society, no matter what political mechanism is in place. Lack of openness in ODA information and difficult to access thi source of funding. CS is developing but increasing discrimination is observed Different perspectives between government and CSOs Monitoring at grassroots level Efficient project implementation in community development and poverty reduction Call for application of creative and efficient models Gender issue addressed People-to-people relations Human rights based dialogues
4 Weakness of CSOs in paricipating in AE Weakness in human and financial resources Limited legal frameworks and mechanism. On the other hand, the existing mechanism are not fully utilized. Associations are working in administrative manner, not efficient Political sensitivity psychology Donors are not coordinating with each other,
5 Limitations Have not heard about Ha Noi Core Statement before Ha Noi Core Statement is only an adjustment of Paris Declaration, not practically applicable Aid will reduce when Viet Nam become medium- income country => where CSOs look up on ? ODA can create inequality? Discourage internal force and might become the tool of influence of donors
6 What’s next? CSOs is a mutual, objective and efficient organizations Involve in policy advocacy and public goods => competitive bidding (e.g. VUSTA participate in social consultation and evaluation of project) Classification of types of fund, give CSOs the fund amount appropriate with their capacity M&E: better coordination Capacity building Legal frameworks: Law on associations approved, clearly stipulate roles of CS Policies should be consulted to CSOs and CSOs themselves should be more active in accessing these documents. CSOs coordinate with each other to implement big programs Need an information center to facilitate CSOs Donors should have a certain amount for M&E of projects for independent CSOs
7 What’s next? Ha Noi core statement does not address the roles of CSOs Public information on ODA => Simplification of aid receive procedure Government assist in building capacity for CSOs Promote dialogue between government and CS Healthy competition Greater attention on local level Diversification of sources for CSOs, not to be dependent on aid, alternatives: business and not-for-profit services (health care) CSOs should be accountable to its constituencies, either its members or the people it serve.
8 Nguyễn Mạnh Cường, International Relations Department Tel: