Asset Management and eProcurement Fred Van Dorp AM Analyst Auditor of the State
Before we begin… 30 Minute Presentation Follow up discussion from 1 – 4 pm – IGCS Room 15 – More comprehensive examples – Provide tips, hints, and troubleshooting IDOA Website: – Presentation will be posted – ePro and Asset related documents Assets on Requisitions and Purchase Orders Receiving Against an ePro Purchase Order
Why are we here? To examine the relationship between ePro and AM Explain how the asset designation is populated on requisitions, POs, and receipts Demonstrate how to correct system (asset) defaults on requisitions and POs
Why are we here? Asset Management is being overrun by misidentified assets from ePro.
What should I take away from this presentation? 1.) AM is populated, almost exclusively, by information provided by ePro. 2.) Encompass considers every PO line that has an asset profile to be an asset. 3.) The requisitioner and the unspec code control the default asset status of every line of every requisition. 4.) Every line of every requisition can be ‘flagged’ like an asset to PeopleSoft. 5.) The default asset status, like the account code, can be overridden by the requisitioner and the buyer. 6.) The ability to tell if a requisition line, PO line, or receiver line has been identified as an asset to PeopleSoft. 7.) The asset information can reviewed using two newly developed public queries.
Assets and Requisitions (Special Request)
Assets and Requisitions (Special Request, cont.)
Assets and POs
Receivers and Asset Management
SOIPO Public Queries SOIPO_ASSET_FLAGGED_POS – Will list every PO line that has been assigned a profile ID. You should confirm that these ‘flagged’ lines are assets that should be in AM, or remove the flag. SOIPO_ACCOUNT_55X – Will list every PO line that has an account of 55X. These purchases, if over $500, will cause an error message in accounts payable that will trigger the voucher to move into AM.
What should I take away from this presentation? 1.) AM is populated, almost exclusively, by information provided by ePro. 2.) Encompass considers every PO line that has an asset profile to be an asset. 3.) The requisitioner and the unspec code control the default asset status of every line of every requisition. 4.) Every line of every requisition can be ‘flagged’ like an asset to PeopleSoft. 5.) The default asset status, like the account code, can be overridden by the requisitioner and the buyer. 6.) The ability to tell if a requisition line, PO line, or receiver line has been identified as an asset to PeopleSoft. 7.) The asset information can reviewed using two newly developed public queries.
Asset Definition from the Accounting Manual What are capital assets? As defined in GASB 34, capital assets include all of the following, assuming a useful life of greater than one year: Land (including right of way, easements) Improvements to Land Infrastructure (roadways, bridges, etc.) Buildings Improvements Other than Buildings Transportation Equipment Machinery and Other Equipment Construction in Progress
Graph of the Relationship between Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Asset Management EPRO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Physical Information- Tag Number and Custodian Financial Information - Cost INTERFACE ASSET MANAGEMENT