Prerequisite Project Fall 2010
Background In Fall 2009, we began work on initiatives to promote a clear path to graduation for students and support their progress to degree. Initiatives have included: Approved electives project Expected academic progress policy Change of major policy Prerequisite project Fall 2010
Purpose Promote student success in their course work Remove obstacles Be consistent Fall 2010
Implementation Fall each college provided with a spreadsheet of their courses and respective requisites for review Spring 2010 – college review completed Requisite changes were proposed for 27% of the 4,100 courses reviewed Fall 2010
Implementation Decision made to implement project in two phases 1.Winter 2011 – Enforce requisites for courses with no changes 2.Summer 2011 (start of new catalog) – Update course descriptions and enforce requisites for courses with proposed changes Fall 2010
Implementation – Phase I Past 5 months have been spent coding “enrollment requirement groups” in PeopleSoft to enforce requisites Extensive effort Learned how to code complex requisites Dialogued with departments to translate requisites and understand their intention Fall 2010
Implementation – Phase I Some statistics… Winter 2010 – enforced requisites for 608 of 1691 courses Winter 2011 – enforcing requisites for 1127 of 1680 courses Identifying which courses have system-enforced requisites for Winter 2011 “Check prerequisites before enrolling” note in the class schedule Reports sent to department schedulers on October 20 Fall 2010
Implementation – Phase II Consult and review process is currently underway for courses with proposed changes to requisites During Summer 2010, our office ran queries for over 1000 courses Queries used to identify programs outside the course’s college for which the course was a requirement or elective Results shared with colleges for their review Approved changes will be implemented with the new catalog Fall 2010
Requisites and Enrollment An “enrollment requirement group” is coded in PeopleSoft to enforce requisites or requirements for a course Enrollment requirement groups can be used either to Reserve seats for a class (reserve capacity), or Enforce course requisites/requirements Fall 2010
Requisites and Enrollment Reserve capacity set-up in PeopleSoft Fall 2010 Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Requisites and Enrollment Reserve capacity – what a student sees Fall 2010 CPReg
Requisites and Enrollment Reserve capacity – what a student sees if they try to enroll and don’t meet a reserve capacity requirement Fall 2010 CPReg
Requisites and Enrollment Enrollment requirement set-up in PeopleSoft is usually in the Course Catalog (Offerings page) Fall 2010 Select the Detail link to view coding Navigation: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog
Requisites and Enrollment For term or section specific enrollment requirements, set-up is at the class level in Adjust Class Associations (Class Requisites page) Fall 2010 Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Adjust Class Associations
Requisites and Enrollment Enrollment requirement – what the student sees in PASS Banner message being added for Winter 2011: Know Your Requisites – View the catalog description for a course to check its requisites before adding the class to your schedule. Many courses have requisites that are enforced in CPReg during enrollment. Class note advising them to check prerequisites Fall 2010
Requisites and Enrollment Enrollment requirement – what a student sees in CPReg Fall 2010 CPReg
Fall 2010 Requisites and Enrollment Enrollment requirement – what a student sees if they try to enroll and don’t meet enrollment requirements CPReg
Fall 2010 Requisites and Enrollment Selecting “Fix Errors” takes student back to previous screens; allows them to view enrollment requirements CPReg
Fall 2010 Overriding Requisites Should be the exception Permission numbers
Understanding Requisites “Consent of instructor” required Not coded as an enrollment requirement group Enforced in the system through the consent field setting for the class and permission numbers “Junior standing” Based upon a student’s projected academic level for the term in which they’re enrolling Coded to be junior standing or greater Fall 2010
Understanding Requisites D-stopper A minimum grade of C- or better is required in a prerequisite course Has been coded to allow students to enroll if they’re currently taking the prerequisite course (prior to grades being posted) Co-requisite: prior or concurrent enrollment in a course Fall 2010
Understanding Requisites “Anti-requisites” will be enforced during enrollment, for example: BUS 212, Financial Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors – Not open to Business majors. COMS 101, Public Speaking – Not open to students with credit in COMS 102. Fall 2010
Transfer Credit Enrollment Requirement Group set-up allows transfer credit to satisfy a requisite
Fall 2010 Co-requisites and Waitlisting System is unable to enroll students from waitlists for two courses that are co-requisites requiring concurrent enrollment For Winter 2011, we have identified classes that would have this issue because they have term or section specific co-requisites Advised department schedulers and adjusted set- up, so students are unable to waitlist for the class and can enroll as seats become available Students are advised via a class note that waitlisting is not available for the class
Questions… Fall 2010