School Year
Reporting Time Time should be reported daily – do not wait until the Friday before the pay period closes to report your time You can only report time for those employees assigned to your location Time keeper access is assigned to designated timekeepers only – Protect your password In order to be paid every employee must sign in. Superintendent’s Circular HRS-PP5 ( All central and school responsibility center managers are required to establish and supervise a paper sign-in / sign-out procedure that provides an accurate record of the date and time of arrival and departure of all employees assigned to the responsibility center. Principal Teacher
Reporting Time (cont.) When reporting time always remove existing time and replace with “0” – do not delete time The time reporting codes for salaried employees (except REG) will always end with 0 (S1000) The time reporting codes for hourly employees (except REG) will always end with H (S100H)
Employee Types Salaried Employees Exceptional “Hourly” Time defaults in – paid 26 equal bi-weekly paychecks Teachers Prin/Headmasters Secretaries/Clerks Administrators Time defaults in – paid only for the number of hours worked Paraprofessionals ** Lunch Monitors Time does not default in – paid only when time is entered Bus Monitors Substitutes Sub Lunch Monitors Hourly **Paraprofessionals have the option of receiving 21 checks or 26 checks. This choice can only be made during the open enrollment period.
Substitutes *** Report time for SUBS using the time reporting code (TRC) “S” & the last 3 digits of your school code
Substitutes (cont.) Report time for SUBS using the time reporting code (TRC) “S” & the last 3 digits of your school code SUBS are entitled to a pay increase after the 10 th day and 25 th consecutive day when in the same position Prior period reporting is allowed for SUBS Position numbers are mandatory when reporting time for SUBS SUBS are not to be paid for holidays, vacations or snow days Time does not default in for SUBS; if you don’t report the time they do not get paid **See page of Time and Attendance Manual for more information
Bus Monitors When reporting runs for your school use the time reporting code (TRC) SB & the last 3 digits of your school code Do not report bus runs for your school on another schools line Use 1 row to report multiple runs in the same day i.e. am run and pm run Prior period reporting is allowed for Bus Monitors Time does not default in for Bus Monitors; if you don’t report the time they do not get paid
Non-Scheduled Work Days (S6500) All Administrators are required to work additional days not included in the normal school year For Principals/Headmasters, Administrators and School Based Managers 650 days are defined as those days worked on regularly scheduled days off (i.e. week-ends, holidays and school breaks) and snow days These days have no monetary value - they are for record keeping purposes only. Do not delete or replace REG The time reporting code to be used is S6500 **See page 18 of Time and Attendance Manual for more information
Department Time Summary Reports To be run the WEDNESDAY before the paycheck date Always run reports using GROUP not DEPARTMENT “S” for Salaried Employees and “B” for Hourly Employees Print, verify, sign and file the Department Time Summary and the Department Time Summary Certification together for record keeping purposes. Note: these documents are to be stored for 7 years Fax only the Department Time Summary Report Certification to Payroll at
Department Time Summary Report (cont.) Department Time Summary Reports are to be reviewed for accuracy and then signed Any discrepancies should be addressed immediately (prior to the issuance of the paycheck) The Department Time Summary Certificate certifies the accuracy of the report and should be signed by the Principle/Headmaster or a designee Department Time Summary Reports along with the Certificate should be filed and kept in an accessible location for a minimum of seven years The Department Time Summary Certificate is a legal and binding document
When running a Department Time Summary Report ALWAYS run this report by the Group, not the department (you will have to run the report twice – once for the “S” group and once for the “B” group.
The department time summary report will always have a separate signature page
Enter report data i.e. pay run, group id, date Hit run button If required check the box for the report you are running At next page hit ok button Click on process monitor link Hit refresh button (this can be done several times) Your report is ready to print when run status reads success and distribution status reads posted Click on details link Click on view log/trace link Click on ypay___.pdf link Print report PRINTING REPORTSPRINTING REPORTS
PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS Prior periods adjustments can be entered for Sub teachers, Sub Nurses, Sub Lunch Monitors and Bus Monitors and S6500 days for administrators EXCEPTIONS: **See page of Time and Attendance Manual for more information
WHEN IN DOUBT ???? DON’T PAY you didn’t get paid because you didn’t sign in Sir.
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