A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Ceres Mini-Demos Clinic Enablement Hardware Plan Site Surveys & Hardware Next Steps and Meeting 3/27/142
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES The “Prep Site” is installed Allows Ciber and WIC to configure our menus Some data can be pre-loaded --- e.g. Retail Vendors State staff working on configuring food packages, and food benefit menus --- e.g. design of printed food benefit list for HH Detailed Functional Design Document (DFDD) review this week Describes all functionality we expect Ceres to include Basis for any additional development work by Contractor 3/27/143
S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION EBT Goal: To replace JPM with minimal delay Fast track: Use the same Contractor who will replace JPM for VT SNAP EBT program - Xerox Contract is drafted based on JPM contract and work plan Speed up approval process Pick up where we left off with JPM 3/27/144
C ERES M INI -D EMOS Survey results: few have seen the demos, but those who have, said they were helpful Updated to add a voice track explaining the function being demonstrated; added animations Ceres Mini-Demos are posted in shared folder Added voice track & updated existing demos Enrolling a Baby Producing a VOC Ceres Reports Plotting Growth Charts New! Data Integrity Donna Bister will send you the instructions for viewing 3/27/145
C LINIC E NABLEMENT H ARDWARE P LAN Each clinic room and admin workstation will have: Computer (PC), wide screen monitor that swivels, keyboard, card reader, signature pad, and mouse Shared by all local agency staff: Printer/scanner – networked to all workstations Think about where this should be placed 3/27/146
C LINIC E NABLEMENT S URVEYS & H ARDWARE Excellent work on surveys - Thanks! Every clinic room has at least one data jack and enough outlets, and enough room for needed equipment 44 clinic rooms (not counting St A) have winterms. Plan is for PC in every room. Need to purchase PCs, screens, signature pads, keyboards to outfit all clinic rooms (including St A). One networked scanner/printer for each suite of clinic rooms 3/27/147
N EXT S TEPS Computer Skills Self-Assessments Outreach Clinic Site Surveys Send photos or drawings Important to know which cell coverage is available, in order to identify whether we can install WIFI hotspots Promote the Mini-Demos Next Month: Transitioning from Paper to Paperless – Lessons learned from health care We will be joined by Chantale Nadeau, WIC in the Medical Home nutritionist from Newport Office! 3/27/148
N EXT RCN M EETING : A PRIL 24 TH * 12:30 PM -1:30 PM If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions etwork Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 3/27/149