Quick login to multiple applications
What is Single Sign On SSO SSO is a software application that will be loaded onto workstations at Palmetto Health It is designed to manage and remember your login and password for multiple applications Increased security –deleting generic logins
When SSO will be rolled out to various units beginning mid April 2010 SSO is planned for full implementation on all campuses by June 2010
Two ways to use Single Sign On (SSO) 1- Manually enter user name and password with keyboard 2- Swipe ID using badge reader and enter a password
Accessing Network Login and Password MyPhPassword is a website that will guide you through obtaining and verifying your network user name and password. A link will take you to this site at the conclusion of this training. Or, you may go to myPal, then click on myPhPassword
Account Verification Website Please note the information in the highlighted box
Login verification website You will need to enter your employee ID# and the last 4 of your SSN to obtain user name
Login verification website Please note your user name in RED and remember it You will need to enter this information to change your password nnurse
Do you know your password? If you answer “No” to this question, you will have an opportunity to create a password
Create a New Password Will need to enter your date of birth to change or create a new password
Creating New Password Your date of birth has been verified
Creating New Password You must enter your user name that was highlighted in RED on the initial screen Now, create a password. –May use your current EPIcenter password
Approaching a SSO workstation When you approach a SSO workstation, you will see this screen Enter your network login and password created on the verification website Or “tap in” with the badge reader
Badge Readers Accessing SSO using the badge reader
Tapping In with Badge Reader
SSO You will have a 6 hour window to document after tapping in After the 6 hour time frame, you will need to re-enter your password when tapping in There will be a limited number of badge readers used to “tap in” Managers have identified PC’s that are high traffic use for physicians and are of high priority to receive badge readers
SSO For workstations that do not have a badge reader, you will log into SSO manually with keyboard
Launchpad Once you have signed onto SSO, you will see a “Launchpad” displayed
Launchpad The applications that will launch for Nursing are –Powerchart –Firstnet –Surginet –Groupwise Depends on position
Simply click on tab to open the application needed
Or, you may click on Launchpad to display a list
Autolaunch Some positions may autolaunch the most frequently used application This means that once you sign on, the application will automatically load –ED Nursing positions- autolaunch Firstnet –Surginet positions- autolaunch Surginet
The name of the current user is displayed here
Lock Session If you need to leave your workstation quickly and plan to return, you will need to lock your workstation If someone approaches the workstation they will get a message that a user is logged on You may end their session
Lock workstation Click here to lock workstation Or clt+alt+delete
Remember to Log Off It is important that you remember to log off application prior to leaving the workstation
Internet Explorer The added security means that any internet activity that is viewed will be traced back to your user name
Accessing Nursing files and folders Go to My Computer on the desktop (G:) Your name will appear on the G drive SSO user
Accessing Nursing Folders (J:) Click on J drive to access Nursing Baptist Easley Richland Select your Palmetto Health Facility There will be subfolders for each nursing unit SSO user
Bypass SSO Guest Login will be available for positions such as students during clinical rotations To bypass SSO, use the “Guest Login” Also to be used by those who do not have a network login
Guest Login After clicking on “Guest Login” your desktop will display as current state, however the SSO launchpad will be displayed at the top of the screen You may bypass SSO by clicking on the EPIcenter icon
Conclusion You have completed training on SSO. We will now take you to the verification website to access User name and Password for SSO Click herehere