INFSO-SSA International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education ICEAGE Forum Meeting at EGEE Conference, Geneva Malcolm Atkinson & David Fergusson National e-Science Centre & Institute Edinburgh 14th September 2006
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September The University of Aberdeen, Scotland Course name: e-Science Technology Degree name: MSc (12 mths) “ Master in e-Science Technology ” Syllabus The Electronic Society, Technologies for the World Wide Web, Enterprise Programming, Security & Privacy, E-Science and Grid Computing, Multi-Agent Systems, Data Interpretation and Communication, E-Science Workshop.
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands Course name: Master of Grid Computing Programme Degree name: “ Master of Science in Grid Computing ” Starting from September 2005 we have defined 5 new programmes within the Master Grid Computing: 1.Computational Science 2.Bioinformatics 3.Computer Systems Architecture 4.Program algebra & generic programming 5.Free Programme in Computer Science Each programme consists of 5 mandatory topics Introduction to Grid Computing Distributed Programming Methods / Introduction to Bioinformatics (bioinformatics programme) Distributed Stochastic Simulation Grid Hardware Infrastructure / Advanced Bioinformatics (bioinformatics programme) Profile project
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September University of the West of England, Bristol Course name: MSc in Grid Computing Degree name: “ Master of Science in Grid Computing ” (12 months fulltime) Grid: Virtual Organisations Algorithms Advanced Databases Distributed Systems Grids and Application Domains Communication Networks and Protocols Intelligent Adaptive Systems Security in Networks Semantic Grid Research Methods Computer Science Dissertation
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September Brunel University, West London, England Course name: Distributed Systems and Grid Computing MSc Degree name: Master of Science in Grid Computing Modules: Advanced Distributed Systems Computer Networks Network Computing Network Security and Data Encryption Grid Middleware Technologies Grid System Analysis and Design Project management Workshop Dissertation
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September Cranfield University, England Course name: MSc Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering with options in Grid Computing & e-Engineering Degree name: Master of Science in Grid Computing Grid Computing Fundamentals Grid Middleware (Linux/Globus at source code level) Grid Infrastructure (Distributed Systems, Networking, Communication) Grid Development and e-Engineering Applications (Group Project) High Performance Scientific Computing on the Grid (Parallel Computing, Data Mining, CAD) Management for Technology Visualization Software Engineering C++ Programming Java Programming
INFSO-SSA EGEE conference 26th September Manchester University, Manchester, England Course name: CS602: Grid Computing and eScience Degree name: Master of Science in Advanced Computer Science/Computer Science This course unit aims to: 1.explain the concept of eScience and its importance in future problem solving IT infrastructure. 2.explain the concept of Grid computing and its relation to eScience, 3.familarise students with the key abstractions underpinning the Grid concept, 4.outline current Grid solutions and how they are intended to evolve, 5.give a more in-depth view of a widely used Grid middleware system UNICORE, 6.give lab sessions in running Grid computing jobs using the UNICORE GUI based job composition and submission method, 7.provide a mini-project to explore some particular aspects of Grid computing, e.g. resource discovery, application plugins, workflow composition.