Using Your Public Workforce Development System What it can and should be doing for your company…
North Shore Workforce Investment Board One of 16 boards across the state and 500 across the country. Charged by Congress to help individuals and businesses access public support and dollars to address workforce challenges. Led by Board of Directors comprised of business and community leaders. Serving 19 cities and towns north of Boston; headquartered in Salem. Oversees about $5 million in federal and state workforce funding per year.
North Shore Career Centers The primary vehicle chartered by the WIB to get these services out to our customers. Available to all businesses and individuals – universal access. Offices located in Lynn, Salem, and Gloucester. Dedicated to high quality, continuously improving service.
Why do we exist?
Workforce Truisms We are truly in a global marketplace, effected by technology gains, globalization, and productivity factors. The skills demanded of our labor force have never been higher, particularly if workers are to earn a family-sustaining wage. Business is continually changing its needs and expectations of workers. Workers are continually changing their needs and expectations of business. Government programs have not been easy to access or particularly helpful. Everyone and every company needs help.
Further Complications in Massachusetts and New England Slow labor force growth rate General higher skilled nature of business Expensive place in which to do business Expensive place to live
Our Legislative Mandate To provide easily accessible, high quality workforce services to all businesses and individuals in the region To ensure that decisions on spending are made locally through the leadership of local business and community experts To establish an on-going, high quality system that meets the needs of our local economy
What the WIB does: Labor Market Research Planning and policy design around local needs Allocation of federal and state dollars to meet these needs Chartering of our Career Centers to carry out these policies Convening partners – business, education, community organizations- to make this system effective
What the Career Center does: Provides a location at which all publicly funded services are available. Integrates the management of these services so that they are seamless to the customer. Commits to high quality, easily accessible services that respond on a timely basis to the real needs of business and individuals.
North Shore Workforce System What we do for the individual Career Assessment and Guidance Labor Market information and Guidance Financial assistance toward education/re-training Workshops/Support during job search process Job development Job placement
Example of service to job seeker: Aid in the re-employment of dislocated manufacturing workers. Provide assistance to young workers attempting to enter the vocational trades. Career assessment services for health care employees attempting to gain advancement in their industry.
North Shore workforce System What we do for business Job posting, screening, referrals Labor Market Information Assistance in developing and financing training Assistance in expansion or reduction of labor force Referral to education and training vendors Development of cross-industry collaborations to address systemic issues within an industry
Example of service to business: UPS General Electric Banking Collaborative Trades Collaborative
North Shore Workforce System What we do for the community Labor Market Research Transportation Studies Public Information Seminars
Contact Information: Mary Sarris, Executive Director North Shore Workforce Investment Board Mark Whitmore, Director North Shore Career Centers