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Anne was born in Frankfurt, Germany on the 12 th June That’s 76 years ago!
But Why Do We Want To Find Out About Anne? Because she wrote a DIARY!
She was a Jewish girl living a normal life in Germany with her family. They were her Father, Mother and sister, Margot
On her 13 th Birthday she got a diary which she called, Dear Kitty
It was the best present ever as she wrote in it every day!
Germany changed in 1933 as Adolf Hitler came to power.
He was evil and didn’t like the Jews. He wanted to kill them all.
Any Jews living in Germany decided to leave. Anne’s family left Germany and fled to the city of Amsterdam in Holland.
But by 1942, The Germans invaded Amsterdam and Anne’s family went into hiding. It only took the Germans four days to invade Amsterdam!
Anne’s family hid in a secret house behind a book case door in an office block. It was called the secret Annex.
They lived there for two years. During this time Anne recorded everything that happened her and how she felt in her Diary.
After two years the Nazis found out about the secret annex and captured Anne’s family. They were separated and sent to special camps, called concentration camps.
Anne died at one of these camps in 1945, three months before the end of the war. All her family died except for her father, Otto.
He found her diary and published it. Today we can read all about Anne’s life by reading her diary.