PERL working meeting Nyenrode Business University Breukelen, the Netherlands September 12-13, 2010
WG1a Think Tank Consultations
OBJECTIVES The aim of WG 1a is to collect and consult on scientifically substantiated, updated insights into the social, economic and environmental impacts of present ways of living in order to better design education about responsible living by organising two Think Tank meetings with experts in the field of responsible living, sustainability, social innovation, environmental education.
What work has been done? A nonprioritized draft list of experts has been prepared. The theme for the first Think Tank meeting has been discussed. Two main conceptual approaches to Think Tank consultations were proposed and discussed.
Tasks to be completed during the meeting in Nyenrode 1. To prepare a draft letter of invitation: 1/ to the experts, 2/ to PERL Steering Group members, 3/ to WG leaders. 2. To finalise the list of names (and contact information) of experts (and a reserve list in prioritized order). 3. To propose a theme and to develop a draft programme for the first Think Tank meeting. 4. To prepare a timetable for proceeding to implement the Think Tanks.
About SEE and SEEK... explore and collect Framework Projects / Local Projects supported by schools; create an online peer-to-peer platform open to schools and larger interested audiences; encourage FP/LP promoters to confront and discuss their experiences. identify tools and processes used within the context of Framework Projects / Local Projects to develop and implement them; prototype a FP/LP enabling toolkit; assess it internally. 6 Social innovation for territorial communities, distributed systems and design SEE and SEEK common aim is to promote and facilitate Framework Projects (FP): i.e. projects that aim to promote and coordinate a multiplicity of self-standing social innovation Local Projects (LP) in order to enhance large scale, socially driven, sustainable changes.
Amsterdam task group work plan... Malmö PERL-La 27 e Région joint seminar June 2010; 7 cases of Framework Projects in Milan, Shanghai, Wuxi, Malmö, North East England, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, New-York; 2 cases of Local Projects in Rio de Janeiro, Bogota; web plateform: shared template: project intro text + project presentation slides + design role analysis; background analysis on toolkits; analysis of the design role: leading, investigating, facilitating, envisioning, systemizing, enabling, communicating... towards the hypothesis of a FP/LP toolkit support. 7
Work Group’s objectives: 1. To simplify, repackage and adapt LOLA materials… 2. To Organise 5 new national implementations…
Work to be done: 1.To simplify, repackage and adapt LOLA materials… A.Start with inputs from Ireland example to build a valid strategy of simplification (Miriam O Donoghue’s short presentation); B. Redefine/ simplify LOLA process: from 5 to 3 steps ? Objective: enlarge the target (pupils to universities…) & facilitate implementations -discuss pedagogical content for a valid repackaging/ simplification… -discuss communication strategy to diffuse the new toolkit (translation? Video?) -discuss new modes of valorisation of LOLA results (exhibition? on line material? ) 2. To Organise 5 new national implementations… Discuss opportunities of new national implementations (update current list of implementations; contacts; selection of 5 countries)
Work group 4a Active Learning Methodologies
Tasks Produce new materials based on active teaching and learning approaches: – 1. Toolkit – Consumption & Climate Change – 2. Toolkit – Resource Usage – 3. Toolkit – Personal Finances Produce a training manual for facilitators Conduct series of training seminars Create online discussion forum Plan and carry out Work Group meetings
What have we done so far? Two work group meetings: Rome Jauary 2010 and Malta May2010. Training manual for facilitators is almost ready(27 pages) - hopefully after Amsterdam. 1. Toolkit in progress: 24pages, 8 themes, 16 photos...etc. 2. Toolkit will focus on “Time” as a resource. Online discussion forum is on the Ning site atat Home page created at at First seminar to be held in Slovenia in March
What will we be doing in Amsterdam? Finish the Training manual Continue working on 1. Toolkit: – Select missing photos – Start working on text - about active learning methodology (critical thinking, awareness raising,), up to date information about climate change and consumption and themes, about PERL and work group. Ideas for 2. Toolkit. Meetings with video group (5b) and seminar group (5a)
Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living Work Group #4c Teacher training modules and courses Main goal: To create and provide for publishing materials to teacher training modules based on UNEP ‘Here and Now’ document. ‘Work Group’s objectives’ 1. Modules for Teacher Training: Creation of 2 prototype modules in the 1st year; final compilation and validation in the 2nd year 2. Intensive teacher training course on responsible living: Creation of study guide for a 5 credits intensive course in the 3rd year 3. Working meetings: 6 meetings 1 day each held in connection with PERL conferences and collective meetings ‘What work has been done’ 1. Modules for Teacher Training: Selection of two focus areas: Information Management; Consumption and Environment Creation of 2 subgroups to: collect and develop of relevant resource/test materials, to establish a set of criteria for quality assurance & student evaluation 2. Intensive teacher training course on responsible living: Decision to create an intensive teacher training course online (elearning) on responsible living and study guide of 5 ECTS credits. The target: teachers (direct target) of children with 8-12 years old (indirect target). 3. Working meetings: Creation of a schedule for the meetings PERL Collective Work Group Meeting Amsterdam, September 2010
Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living Work Group n#4c Teacher training modules and courses Main goal: To create and provide for publishing materials to teacher training modules based on UNEP ‘Here and Now’ document. ‘What work we are doing’ 1.Modules for Teacher Training: Changes on the Information Management focus area to Global Awareness Possible selection of subtopics to work with Research on the 2 focus area (including modules templates, focus on content and didactic) Lodging of documents at the Ning network 2.Intensive teacher training course on responsible living Research on other training courses online (IP EPICA 2009 as a first approach/example?) 3.Working meetings: Several changes on the schedule for the workgroup meetings PERL Collective Work Group Meeting Amsterdam, September 2010 Workgroup members: Alcina Dourado, Declan Doyle, Kaija Turkki, Lukasz Juczyk, Sevgi Kalkan, Victor Dordio
Work Group 5a:Seminars, courses To do: - three LOLA teacher training seminars (3 coordinators + 20 local participants. The local teachers will be paid for by the country hosting the seminar.) - two SEEK seminars (2 coordinators + 20 local participants) The local teachers will be paid for by the country hosting the seminar.) - three Active Methodologies seminars ((2 coordinators + 20 local participants) The local teachers will be paid for by the country hosting the seminar.)
WG # 5 b VIDEO FILM PILOT PROJECT Working Groups meeting, September From… The Team… Brainstorming with #4a & #4c 1/2
List of weblinks to videos downloadable face to issues related to responsible, sustainable consumption Working Groups meeting, Consultants Network September 2010 Video Contest Video Contest process Potential final Film and Sponsor Potential final Film and Sponsor 2/2
Work Group 5d: Translations Collective work meeting for all PERL partners Amsterdam September 2010
Work Group objectives 1. “Here and Now, ESC” into FR, SP, DE 2. “Images and Objects” into FR and PT 3. LOLA toolkit into FR and FI 4. SEEK toolkit into FR and FI Green= accomplished Red= to be done
Accomplished work : Translation of 'Here and Now! Education for Sustainable Consumption' in: - Chinese (not an EU requirement but done) - Spanish - French (nearly complete) * These are being put into the UNEP layout and will be published as UNEP translations Translation of Images and Objects into Portuguese
Work still to be done…. Translation of Images and Objects will be translated into French Translation of Images and Objects will be translated into Portuguese 'Here and Now! Education for Sustainable Consumption‘ will be translated into German LOLA will be translated into French and Finnish SEEK toolkit will be translated into French and Finnish
Work Group 5c. Distributing and using learning materials -Index of existing materials made -Norwegian Images and Objects distributed to 6000 teachers -Case studies and information about PERL distributed at UN CSD-18 and other international conferences
Work Group 5c. Distributing and using learning materials To do: -Strategy for distribution -Collaboration with Work Groups LOLA and Active Learning Methodologies about distribution and use of toolkits -
Work Group 6b Regional Networks -Regional Network meetings held in June Plans for African network initiated -Strategies for regional networks compiled -Regional Network coordinators to Sept. meeting for consultation with Work Group
Work Group 6b Regional Networks To do: -Review regional meetings held in June -Discuss regional projects -Representatives to think tank -Role of European partners -Funding possibilities
Work Group 6c International Conferences
To do: -Complete preparations for conference in March 2011 (distribute invitations, invite speakers, prepare program, select abstracts, etc) -Coordinate peer review selection of best papers for publication in vol.6 Promoting New Responses -Begin to prepare conference 2012