18th of October 2009 Rome Harm Jan van Dijk & Paul Gollasch HAN University STEP Competency framework
How to get the appropiate information? 2 Questionnaire were made and send to Partner‘s Analyse the received questionnaire and extra material about methodology‘s. Continually exchange with other colleagues about incoming questions.
Outcome of the 2 questionnaires
Describe your education system Start going to school Primary School Secondary School England51116 Greece61218 Italy61118 Spain31218 Mean511,517,5
How many years of education do you need to attend to be allowed leaving school even with- out a certificate or diploma? England12 Greece10 Italy10 Spain12 Mean11
England Greece Italy Spain De average age is about 22 years old. At what age do you meet the Crossworkers?
A CrossWorker can be defined as: A person with little or non formal academic education, who works either paid or as a volunteer with young people at risk and who has been able to overcome own difficult situations and therefore is capable of using these personal experiences in helping others, who are in similar circumstances.
Indication of experience tutor Experience vary from some specific courses to university degree.
Role of the educator level 1level 2 level 3 Guided Facilitating leadership Background support The role of the educator Further education /work Training assessors
General level of tutors All Tutors have at least passed secondary school
Typical activities of Crossworkers Sound engineer (live performance sector) Music and Theatre Radio broadcasting Restoration Puppet show Hagiography
Wich compentcies do the crossworkers use most in their jobs? working with others problem solving improving own learning communication skills emotional intellegence acceptance of differentation, guidance
How long do students attent your organisation on average? 14 months 2 – 4 months 6 months – 1 year Mean : 7. 6 months
Role of your organisation in finding a job or going back to school. 6, 7, 8, 9 7 (1 = no role – 10 = very important role)
How many students go back to the formal education system (percentage) no more than 10 % 0% most students are in the formal education anyway about 24% will go to university
How many of your students find a job after leaving your organisation? average 72% with a top year of 87% approx. 30 % within a year most of them, but there is no specific data
How many students do you have? /year ________ about 100/ year 50 x level 3, 60 x level 1 & 2 about 1000 (wac)
How many students (percentage) find a job after leaving your place (school/ institute/ higher education)? about 80% job related to music no data known. < 40% into higher education % into self employment % into employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What would be a typical job student's start after finishing your course(s)? C reative industry, mostly out of the area of Malaga Creative Industry Creative industry, elsewhere, retail, hospitality as per local labour market. Sport industry, community work?
Results of training Crossworkers In general we conclude that the Cross Workers feel supported by the training, are more connected to the job and perform better at their jobs after being trained.
What competencies/ skills should your tutor have? Improving own learning Communication skills Working with others/ Paticipation 3 4 4
What competencies/ skills should your tutor have? Problem Solving Taking Leadership Understanding Youth 3 3 3
What competencies/ skills should your tutor have? Professional ethics Other: computer skills, language skills, flexible are prepared to deal with changes, adaptatives capacities to a contiously changing content programme 3 2
Do the crossworkers have the competences you listed earlier after being trained? improving own learning taking leadership: communication skills: understanding youth: working with others: professional ethics: Problem solving: other: Management & promotion of cultural activities
List of competencies you try to teach your tutors Improving own learning Communication skills Working with others/ Paticipation 3 2 3
List of competencies you try to teach your tutors Problem Solving Taking Leadership Understanding Youth 3 1 2
List of competencies you try to teach your tutors Professional ethics Other: Child Protection, Health and Safety, Behaviour Management, sector specific, individual learning styles, flexible are prepared to deal with changes, adaptatives capacities to a contiously changing content programme 3 3
The Crossworker The Client Communication skills Working with others Problem solving Professional ethics Understanding youth Overview competency framework The organisation Improving own learning
Test modules and mentor guides Using a methodology that fit‘s into the new developed competeny framework. Writing a simple and easy understandable mentor guide to support the methodology.
The creative agogic approach According to the theory of Kloppenburg is the core of the creative agogic approach is… … to name and understand the human development through the constant performing of creative processes.
…what was ….again?
Where does it come from? Humanism 3rd perspective comming up in the 1950’s as a respons on Psycho Analysis and Behavorism) Emphasis on subjectivity, individuality. Emphasis a holistic view. Development continuo's after childhood. Means continuous growth and development. Dynamic process, not static. Inherent to any human being.
Next Stage: System theory The system theorie derives from the humanism. Key words: Interaction with environment Individu’s are being a part of a bigger system. The som is more than… Every individual takes as an active part influence of the bigger context. He/ she is proactive and responsible for his own existance.
continuation The Crossworker should be seen as a total- socially, biological and culturally. The Crossworker should be seen as an open system. Quality’s are dependent on the context. e. g. being shy, self confident. Focus on the present status quo
Examples competencies first level Communication skills Reflecting / narrative storytelling A one minute (self) portrait about where do you come from, where are you now and where are you going to? Past, present and future.
Example compencies level 2 Professional ethics;
Example Competencies level 3 NASA spel