Northern & Western Europe -Chapter #14- Netherlands Luxembourg
I. The British Isles Two countries? United Kingdom (4?) Sequent occupance?
A. The British Empire *Naval Power? *Controlled over ¼ of world The Empire on which the sun never sets. *Benefits of British colonies? *Commonwealth of Nations?
The Emerald Isle *Independence from Brits? *Potato famine?
B. Culture Similarities betw. Brits. & Irish? –sports? –language? –religion?
British Govt. *Constitutional Monarchy -Parliament & Prime Minister? -Margaret Thatcher -David Cameron
Irish Govt. Republic –President Mary McAleese ( & present)
london -capital, cultural & world financial center -River Thames (TEMZ)
Dublin Meaning of Irish flag? –Green = Cath. –Orange = Prot. –White = PEACE
C. Economic Geography of G.B. *Industrial Revolution? *Early industries? *Nationalized? *Silicon Glen?
D. Economic Geography of Ireland *Traditionally based on farming *Modern industries?
Issues…”the Troubles”
The Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) 31 mi. long (23.5 mi. under sea) $15 bill. 20 min. to cross
Largest railway wagons in the world!
II. France Language? Religion?
A. French Society French/American Relationship? Threat of American culture?
B. Cities Paris –Primate city?
C. Economy Shortest work week? –“le bac” (baccalaureate) French industries? –2 nd largest ag. exporter in world
D. Issues in France Socialism in France? –WAS highly taxed, highly regulated, govt.-owned –Hurts creativity? NOW = Economic transition to market economy (US) Anti-Muslim sentiment?
Islam in Europe <1% (Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia) 1%-2% (Belarus, Croatia, Italy, Monaco, Ukraine) 2%-4% (Andorra, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain) 4%-5% (Germany, Greece, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, United Kingdom) 5%-10% (Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden) 10%-20% (Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Montenegro, Russia) 20%-50% (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia) 50%-90% (Albania) >90% (Kosovo, Turkey)
E. Govt. Republic Pres. Nicolas Sarkozy
III. The Benelux Countries BElgium-- NEtherlands --LUXembourg
The European Union EU = organization of countries interested in increasing economic & political cooperation between its members (27 today) *eliminate trade barriers *originally = 1957: European Economic Community (EEC) *2002 = euro = common currency *largest economy in the world! (30% of world GDP)
European Union & the Eurozone
Land Reclamation Netherlands = low lands (27% below sea level) Polders? Worries?
Language -Netherlands & N. Belgium = Dutch -N. Belgium = Flemish (60%) (Flanders) -S. Belgium = French (Wallonia) (Walloons)
A. Urban & Economic Environments »BRUSSELS: »--Headquarters for EU? »--NATO: 1949 – military alliance
Netherlands=cheese & tulips
The Randstad (“Ring City”) –4 largest cities & urban areas (conurbation) Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, & Utrecht –Pop. = about 7.5 mill. (1/2 of Dutch pop.) Amsterdam = Cultural capital of Netherlands The Hague = seat of the govt. –Administrative Cap. –Also, seat of the International Criminal Court
Luxembourg (small but mighty!) –3 rd highest per capita GDP in world!
IV. Scandinavia 5 countries? Modern economies, high standard of living Lapland – Lapps/Sami
Settlement Patterns
Greenland & Iceland GREENLAND: -85% = icecap -Uninhabitable? -most live along S.W. coast ICELAND: -Reykjavik -geothermal energy?
A. Economy High standards of living Sweden (capitalism & socialism) –High taxes (where does all that $$$$ go?)