New Jersey Colony The New Jersey colony was founded in 1623. The colony’s founder was the Dutch Traders.
The Lenni Lenape These were the first people that lived in the New Jersey Colony. The Lenni Lenape lived in villages of 50-200. They built houses around a central longhouse that served as a meeting place. The Lenni Lenape lived in wigwams. Men fished and gathered shellfish. Women planted and gathered nuts and berries. The Lenni Lenape were friendly until settlers took their land.
New Jersey’s early settlers New Jersey’s early settlers where European Dutch Traders. They began the New Amsterdam colony in 1623. New Amsterdam covered parts of present-day New Jersey and New York. In 1638, Swedish settlers came to North America. They named the colony New Sweden. (covered New Jersey and Delaware.) They fought over land.
Colonial Life New Jersey’s first colonists built log homes. The spaces of the houses with mud and grass. Thin wood was use as shingles for the roofs. New Jersey’s first colonists farmed. Farmers also raised cows, sheep, and chicken. Milk, wool, meat, and eggs come from animals. The New Jersey Colony printed its own money. Colonial women used spinning wheels to make yarn.
Life in the Colony Struggles was common over land in early New Jersey because some people paid the Dutch or Swedish government for their land and other bought land from Native Americans. Many colonist refused to pay the government when England took over.
Work and Trade Farming was the most common job in New Jersey. As towns grew, people didn’t need to farm. Some jobs that were needed in towns were millers, blacksmiths, wheel makers, and people to work in factories, such as Aert T. van Putten who built America’s first brewery in Hoboken.
New Jersey’s Work and Trade Many people still farmed in New Jersey, mostly in the southern part of New Jersey. They raised a lot of cattle and horses and grew apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees. Traders sold goods in other colonies in England, and the Carribean Islands.
New Jersey’s Exports New Jersey’s Agricultural exports were cattle, corn, flax, and wheat. They also had industrial exports such as beer, flour, and iron. Slaves and indentured servants would help load exports.
Religion in the New Jersey colony The main religious groups are Quakers, puritans, Presbyterians, Christians. There were some Christian people living in the colony. They had Baptist churches. The first Baptist church was built in Salem county. It was built in 1690. Puritans came from Connecticut. They settled in East Jersey. The Quakers lived in West Jersey.
Community in the colony Quakers dressed plainly and worked hard every day. In the Quakers church services there were no leaders. Quakers spoke as they wished during services. The strict rules of the church were followed by puritans. Puritans wanted to start a town based on the church’s rules. Puritans started a town named Newark.
Becoming a state In the 1760s American Colonists made their own way of life. The idea of Britain beginning tax papers tea and sugar began with some colonist beginning to think that the colonies were outgrowing England's roll. In 1774 colonist that settled in Greenwich, New Jersey, complained about the taxes.
Colony’s statehood July 2, 1776 New Jersey had made it’s first constitution. In the revolutionary war around 100 battles were taking place in New Jersey. New Jersey improved the constitution December 18,1787. New Jersey became the third state.
Fun Facts Many Lenni Lenape made Native Americans live in Oklahoma and Canada. Sir George Carteret had once been governor of the Island of Jersey, so the name New Jersey honored his service. In 1726 the Log College (to train ministers) was founded by William Tennent.
By: Taylor Reese Kim-Ngan Thank you For Watching!