U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Program CLASSIFICATION U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Program Hydrometeorology within the Navy Oceanography Program Kurt A. Nelson Joint Meteorology & Oceanography Integration Oceanographer of the Navy Staff Prepared for Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research 10 December, 2008 TITLE 1
Overview Navy’s Maritime Strategy Navy Oceanography Mission CLASSIFICATION Overview Navy’s Maritime Strategy Navy Oceanography Mission Capabilities Summary TITLE 2
Maritime Strategy “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” Six key tasks or strategic imperatives: Regionally concentrated, forward-deployed task forces to limit regional conflict Deter major power war Win our Nation’s wars as part of a joint campaign Contribute to homeland defense in depth Foster and sustain cooperative relationships with more international partners Prevent or mitigate disruptions or crises
Maritime Strategy Implications for Naval Oceanography Warfighting readiness: Environmental support globally Leverage R&D initiatives to ensure warfighting benefits Manage risk and understand uncertainty of predictions Partnership building National and international relationships to advance common national interests and global maritime security Humanitarian assistance and disaster response Rapid and sustained non-combatant evacuations Potential impacts of climate change on natural disasters, social instability and regional crises
Mission Resource, Requirements and Policy Advisor Navy’s Oceanography Program Oceanography Meteorology Hydrography Geospatial Information and Services Precise Time and Time Interval, and Astrometry
Future Operational View Battlespace Sensing Fusion & Integration CLASSIFICATION Future Operational View Battlespace Sensing Fusion & Integration FUSION: Reach Back Center & Domain Authority Data Ingest Quality Control Processing Assimilation Nowcast Forecast Dissemination Expert Advice FNMOC COMMS Space METOC Sensors NAVO COTP USW DSS UAV Dropsondes TTS TTS CSG ESG REA REA SPP M2M TDAs TTs COTP USWDSS REA T-AGS METMF UUV Glider PUMA Buoys/Drifters Bottom Sensors TITLE 6
The Underpinning Capabilities Military Survey Ships METMF (R) HSL/FST METMF (R) NEXGEN (circa 2012) Tethered Vehicles UUVs Buoys Buoys MSRC Satellites CHARTS Ocean Gliders Expertise International Agreements Fleet Sensed Data
Joint Maritime Battlespace Provide - Environmental Understanding Assure - Safety & Readiness Fleet Ensure - Educated Decision-Making Enable - Dominant Sea Power Sea Strike Capture the scope of what naval METOC brings to the table for the warfighter. FOCUS OF EFFORT: 1. Provide a Naval Oceanography Program that enables Dominant Sea Power for all missions, Peace to War 2. Enable Dominant Sea Power through safe and efficient Navigation of Fleet Forces Sea Base Sea Shaping Sea Shield …know the terrain and know the weather and your victory will be complete Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Summary Focus Collaboration on the Navy’s Maritime Strategy Fully Understand the Physical Environment [Hydro-Meteorology] Collection, Analysis, Prediction, and Exploitation Synoptic- to Micro- Scale Level Worldwide Support Joint Military Operations; Coordinate effort; Promote interaction; and Expand cooperation between: Other Services Other Federal Agencies International Partners
Points of Contact Naval Oceanographic Office Littoral & Riverine Operations Mr. Bruce Gomes Coastal Prediction Division Bruce.gomes@navy.mil 228-688-4837 Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) Mr. Ken Grembowicz Marine Optics Division Kenneth.grembowicz@navy.mil 228-688-5675