New England’s Economy Chapter 5 Lesson 3
As time passed, life in New England became less difficult As time passed, life in New England became less difficult. By the 1700’s, the great-grandchildren of the early colonists lived much more comfortable lives. This success was because of the sea and the region’s thick forests. Many colonists in New England had built successful fishing, whaling, trading, and shipbuilding industries.
Industry Includes all the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service. Example: fishing, whaling, trading, and shipbuilding industries.
Fishing and Whaling Industries Surplus of fish (They could catch more fish than they needed) Catch whales, boil their blubber and use it for oil in lamps.
Trading Industry The English government insisted that the colonists send their exports (goods leaving the country) ONLY to England or other English colonies. They also expected the colonists to ONLY buy imports (goods brought into the country) from England
Triangular Trade Route This route connected England, the English colonies in North America, and the west coast of Africa. Read the text and check out the map on page 202!
It’s time to take some notes!
industry Includes all the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service. Example: fishing, whaling, trading, and shipbuilding industries.
Exports goods leaving the country
Imports goods brought into the country
Triangular Trade Route Route in the Atlantic Ocean that connected England, the English colonies in North America, and the west coast of Africa.