American Colonial Period: Settling America
Native Americans Relations with European Settlers: - varied from place to place – sometimes coexisting and sometimes in conflict - varied from place to place – sometimes coexisting and sometimes in conflict - Differing cultural values led to problems - Differing cultural values led to problemsTrade: - Europeans initially depended on trade with Native peoples for survival - Some native tribes, such as the Iroquois, came to dominate areas of trade with the Europeans Alliances: -various alliances between native people and European powers existed, failed, and became created again and again over time - Iroquois alliances helped them dominate the fur trade in the northeast - The Powhatan Confederacy influenced the initial survival of the Jamestown Colony
Africans Free Blacks: Free Blacks: early Africans were considered “indentured servants” – freed when their contract ended early Africans were considered “indentured servants” – freed when their contract ended Enslaved Blacks: Enslaved Blacks: - Large plantation farms in the south required many workers - Africans were brought to work on these farms as enslaved workers - smaller farms and a more diverse economy required less slaves in the northern colonies
The Europeans ► Came for religious, political and economic reasons ► Many different cultures were represented in the colonies ► The English culture dominated
► New England Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut ► Middle Colonies New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland ► Southern Colonies Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia
Common Characteristics of Colonial Government ► Parliament and the King – ultimately ruled the colonies & had veto power over colonial laws ► Colonial Charters outlined basic relationship that existed between colony & the crown Royal Colonies ► Under direct authority & rule of the king’s gov’t. Proprietary Colonies ► Under authority of individuals granted ownership by king Corporate or Charter Colonies ► Operated by joint-stock companies
Colonial Legislatures made laws for the day to day operation of the colony 2 houses (except in Pennsylvania) ► Upper House – appointed by governor ► Lower House – elected by the people; had “power of the purse” (Controlled the $ !!!)
Upper House Lower House (Governor’s Council) (Legislative Assemblies) - appointed by Governor - “power of the purse” with King’s consent ($) VOTERS Colonial Legislatures (2 houses) (law making bodies) Upper House Lower House (Governor’s Council) (Legislative Assemblies) - appointed by Governor - “power of the purse” with King’s consent ($) VOTERS (Adult, free, white males who owned property)
ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ► MERCANTILISM Colonies exist to benefit Mother Country No colonial manufacturing Colonies are source of cheap raw materials England exports more expensive manufactured goods Favorable balance of trade (value of exports greater than value of imports) England controlled currency (“hard” currency – gold & silver, and “soft” currency – paper)
Navigation Acts (1650 – 1673) ► Established rules for colonial trade Trade to & from colonies carried only by English or colonial built ships, operated only by English or colonial crews All goods imported into the colonies must pass through ports in England “Enumerated” goods from colonies must be exported to England only (ex. – tobacco) BUT... SALUTARY NEGELECT: until late 1763, England did not enforce many of Navigation Acts...colonial trade benefited both England and colonies... prosperity for both!!!
Triangular Trade: A 3 part trade route
REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY New England – limited farming – subsistence level, logging, shipbuilding, fishing, trading Middle – agricultural “breadbasket”- corn & wheat; use of indentured servants; trading centers – NY & Philadelphia Southern – large plantations – cash crops (tobacco, rice, indigo); slaves used due to labor shortage; some small subsistence level farms in the back country
RELIGION IN THE COLONIES ► Predominantly Protestant sects (Anglican/Church of England and Congregationalists) ► Some Catholics in Maryland – most tolerant Maryland Act of Toleration – 1649 – All Christians welcomed in colony ► Some Jewish settlers in NY and Boston ► Several colonies had “established” or “official” religions
The Great Awakening (1730’s – 1740’s) ► Religious revival that spread throughout the colonies ► First shared common experience as Americans!!!! ► religious diversity ↑ religious toleration ↑ ► Belief that if people could make their own religious decisions, maybe they could make their own decisions ► Belief that if people could make their own religious decisions, maybe they could make their own political decisions
COMMON CHARACTERISTICS of 13 Colonies ► English culture – language & traditions ► Self-government with representative assemblies ► Religious toleration → varying degrees of religious freedom (Massachusetts – least tolerant; Rhode Island and Pennsylvania – most liberal) ► No hereditary aristocracy ► Social mobility – opportunity to improve their standard of living and social status by hard work (Puritan work ethic)