Mr. Ermer World History Miami Beach Senior High Feudalism Mr. Ermer World History Miami Beach Senior High
Frankish Decline & Invaders Carolingian Empire split in three after Charlemagne’s death; Western Frankish, Middle, Eastern Frankish kingdoms 800-900: western Europe invaded from 3 sides Muslims attack from south, Magyars from east, Vikings from north Magyars: People from west Asia, moved into central Europe and settle on plains in Hungary, invade West Vikings: Germanic Norsemen of Scandinavia
Invasions of Europe A.D.800-1000
The Vikings: Terror From The North Invaded the European mainland in search of new trade, treasures and adventure Sacked villages and towns, destroyed churches, easily handle small local armies Warriors with excellent ship building skills, allowing them to sail inland on rivers and attack By 850, Vikings build settlements in Europe 910: western Frankish king gives Vikings lands at the mouth of the River Seine, named Normandy Frankish king required Vikings to convert to Christianity, making them a part of European civilization—not the enemy of it
The Vikings
Development of Feudalism Lack of large, central governments makes it hard for communities to defend themselves Regular people turn to landowning aristocrats to protect them in exchange for service, this system is called Feudalism Warriors swear loyalty to a land-owning leader, fight for them—vassals Leaders (Lords) would provide for vassal’s needs
The Feudal System
The Lord’s Land
The Art of War Frankish warriors wore chain-mail armor, throwing spears Bigger horses, and development of stirrups, allowed for armored soldiers, carrying long lances to act as battering rams, from armored horses—later known as knights Eventually knights were base of aristocracy Horses, weapons and armor=expensive; lords give some land to knights in exchange for loyalty Little trade in Europe, means land= $ & power
Weaponry of the Middle Ages
Feudal Society To become a vassal, a man performs act of homage to his lord Land given to vassals, known as fief, become political domain of that vassal (almost kingdom) As Carolingian world collapses, fiefdoms rise System becomes more complex, as vassals have vassals who answer to them, who have vassals The Feudal Contract: unwritten rules determining the lord-vassal relationship
Nobility of the Middle Ages Society dominated by men concerned with war Nobles=kings, lords, dukes, counts, barons and bishops who held large estates of land & power Differences in wealth=differences in power Young knights, with no land or responsibility, have nothing to do but fight and train for war; giving rise to tournaments where knights can show off skills To stop abuses of power, Catholic Church introduces an ideal of civility called chivalry Chivalry: code of ethical behavior for knights to uphold; etiquette; politeness
Chapter 4, Lesson 1 Review On page 67, write and answer questions 1-5