THE ART OF WAR Internet Lesson Two
Learning Objective Becoming proficient at internet based research. Use the guide to help direct you to find the information needed.
Learning Objectives Using Literature to enhance cultural understanding. Yin and Yang Not good vs. evil but order to chaos and back again, just like in the dynastic cycle.
Sun Tzu’s The Art of War m/watch?v=erZ2YidTZ p4 The first 15 Minutes Last time we talked about how the Chinese Dynastic Cycle and the Mandate of Heaven shaped (and still shapes) the thinking of the people of China. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War also is a key piece of literature to help us understand Chinese Culture and History.
The Art of War Chapter 1 Application and Comprehension Read chapter one sections 3-11 Tell me how these principles could be applied to your school work. How could they be applied to your future? Your Job? Applying the text to the lives of ancient Chinese Applying the text to our own life. In order to really understand another culture we have to first create a cultural bridge. In other words find a way to relate something of theirs to something of ours.