Chapter 11
1800 Adams v. Jefferson – Adams on defensive for French fighting Spent too much on navy – Federalists attack TJ Slave children- Sally Hemmings Called atheist – Aaron Burr gets NY to go for TJ, but TJ and Burr tie House gives it to TJ
Revolution? First transfer of political power – Peaceful, no blood Not really a revolution – TJ barely won, didn’t change that much – Alien Acts died out, only got rid of excise tax from Hamilton’s programs – By not eliminating all Federalist programs, it was proven political party change wasn’t death for defeated
Judiciary Act of 1801 Adams created 16 new judge positions – Midnight Judges – TJ overturns the new positions Leads to Marbury v. Madison – William Marbury (midnight judge) sues James Madison (sec. of state) over losing job – Marshall dismisses case but creates judiciary review – Jeffersonians try to remove Samuel Chase from Supreme court but failed to get enough votes
Military TJ limits military, scared of a large standing army North African Barbary pirates attack US ships – Pasha of Tripoli declares war on US – The Tripolitan War let TJ see effect of gunboats and he created a modern navy
Louisiana Napoleon gets Spain to give up its territory – Spain gets rid of Pinckney’s treaty – Jefferson decides to ask for permission to use the Mississippi River – Napoleon instead offers it all to USA because of Haitian Rebellion (only successful slave rebellion) and he wanted war with England Jefferson didn’t want to expand presidential power that much but did anyways
Louisiana con’t Effects – Lots of fertile land – No more foreign powers in “America” – Lewis and Clark from St. Louis (supposed to be Pittsburgh)
Aaron Burr Dropped from TJ admin, he tried to lead a NY and NE secession – Hamilton told TJ and Burr killed him for it in a duel – Then Burr meets up with General James Wilkinson and tried to create a new country out of LA purchase – Burr arrested and acquitted of treason charges
Jefferson Again TJ Wins in 1804 France and England become dominant at sea – England closes all French controlled ports and seized all going there – Napoleon did the same of ships going to England – (sound familiar) – Impressment comes back even bigger than before Chesapeake sank by British
Embargo TJ passes a trade embargo against all countries – Hated- O grab me – Led to economic failure, illegal trade – Federalists come back strong for a little Replaced with Non Intercourse Act – No trade with England and France – Still doesn’t help economy The embargo might have been the spark for American manufacturing
Madison James Madison wins in 1808 – Passed Macon’s Bill No. 2- if France or England played nice, we’d trade with them – Napoleon tries to be shrewd and promise to be nice to USA, hoping England would go to war with America They did
Tecumseh New Congress included many “war hawks” who wanted war with England and Indians – Led to Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa (the Prophet) uniting many tribes – William Henry Harrison defeated them at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Mr. Madison’s War Many thought British were supplying Indians with weapons from Canada – They were Madison asks for war to eliminate Indian threat and prove America was not to be pushed around New England NOT happy