HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 HLT-collaboration between South Africa and the Low Countries Bursaries and funding opportunities for student exchange Elisabeth D’Halleweyn
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Overview European opportunities Opportunities in NL and FL Conclusion Discussion: need of additonal bursaries and funding opportunities for student exchange?
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Europe (1) EU: web portal to promote universities across the EU to students from other parts of the world.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Europe (2) Erasmus Mundus ( ) Open to third-country graduate students EC adopted a proposal for a successor programme Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Modules in Language Technology and Computer Science, Duration: 2 years, in at least 2 institutions, a.o. University of Groningen Marie Curie Fellowships
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Netherlands and Flanders Science foundations NL: NUFFIC Universities Other
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL & FL: Funds for Scientific Research Exchange programmes for students is responsability of universities. NL: NWO: Rubicon scholarships for postgraduates; limited opportunities for research in NL, mainly for research in other countries FL: FWO: grants based on bilateral agreements between FWO en international organisations. FWO plans an agreement with SA.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Netherlands: NUFFIC HSP Huygens 2009 excellent students from all countries of the world to study in NL final phase of BA studies or during MA studies. € 4, by Dutch Minister for Education, Culture and Science no fixed number of available scholarships, actual number determined by the total cost part of total budget for students following programmes in Dutch language and literature, or Neerlandistiek
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL & FL: Universities NL & FL: websites international offices NL: FL: Some universities have bilateral agreements with SA universities - f.e. Antwerp, Leuven, Utrecht Leiden: –Herman J. Coster-Fund: students from SA –Mandela Scholarship Fund: (post)graduate students from SA
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL & FL: other Private intiatives, f.e. Ambassadorial Scholarships Program of The Rotary Foundation South Africa House: Study Fund Foundation for South African students
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Conclusion broad range of scholarships available large competition: scholarships for –broad range of areas –broad range of nationalities limited number of –dedicated HLT scholarships –dedicated opportunities for exchange students between NL/FL-SA
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Discussion Need of additional opportunities for student bursaries and student exchange between SA- NL/FL in the field of HLT? –modalities –BA/MA/PhD –Duration –Conditions –Etc...
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Inventory
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Overview European opportunities Opportunities in Flanders Opportunities in The Netherlands
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Europe (1) European Science Foundation (ESF): no grants to students outside designated activities. Funding is provided by national organisations, many of which are ESF Member Organisations. EU: new web portal to promote universities across the EU to students from other parts of the world.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Europe (2) Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) Erasmus Mundus ( ) aims to enhance quality in European higher education through co-operation with third countries. Open to third-country graduate students Modules in Language Technology and Computer Science, complemented by a Project, and a MA thesis, total of 120 ECTS Duration: 2 years, in at least two institutions, a.o. University of Groningen and University of Utrecht. T The student will obtain 2 approved Master of Science/Arts degrees The Commission already adopted a proposal for a successor programme to Erasmus Mundus
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Europe (3) Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Individual grants aimed at researchers from the EU and Associated States who have participated in a Marie Curie action for at least 2 years. The grants assist them to become professionally reintegrated in their country of origin.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 The Netherlands Nuffic NWO Universities Other
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL: Nuffic HSP Huygens 2009 excellent students from all countries of the world to study in NL final phase of BA studies or during MA studies. € 4, by Dutch Minister for Education, Culture and Science no fixed number of available scholarships, actual number determined by the total cost part of total budget for students following programmes in Dutch language and literature, or Neerlandistiek application : deadline: 31 January 2009.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 The Netherlands
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL: NWO NWO Rubicon Scholarships
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Merit Scholarship outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area have to be fully admitted to a BA or MA programme at UvA for the first time. Faculty of Science – : scholarship = 21,000 per academic year. Graduate School for Humanities – : 17 scholarships = 9000 per academic year for the official duration of the degree programme enrolled in. International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS) – : scholarship = 6,000 - \ 12,000,
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Groningen Ubbo Emmius programme international students with MA degree to attend Ph.D. programmes in Groningen Value: \ 1370,- per month Period: 1 year to a maximum of 4 years. University of Groningen PhD Fellowship programme junior PhD-students, part of PhD research in G within scope of cooperation UG and institution in a developing country (pref. from university with cooperation agreement with the UG) Value: Travel costs, travel insurance, airport taxes, living allowance, settling allowance etc Period : maximum of 6 months each year within a 4-year period.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Fund Ph.D. Researchers: Ph.D. researchers conducting research within the scope of a cooperation between the UG and an institution in a developing country. Eric Bleumink Fund students: for a MA programme at the UG or a university in the developing country (provided that part of the study programme takes place at the UG). The Ubbo Emmius programme: scholarship programme for international Ph.D. students. Every year some 50 students from all over the world are admitted to this programme.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Leiden Herman J. Coster-Fund students from SA, extra funding for the cost of living, books, etc.max ca \ 1.500,- Mandela Scholarship Fund (post)graduate students from SA who would like to come to LU, motivated to make a contribution towards the development of SA Applicants need to be permanent residents of SA and return to their country after their study period at Leiden University. candidates have to be admitted to Universiteit Leiden. Period : during postgraduate programme or study/research Decision: Ambassador of SA in NL and Rector Magnificus of LU
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Nijmegen Radboud Scholarship Programme for talented non-EEA students who want to pursue a master degree programme at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Tilburg Tilburg University Scholarships : 56 scholarships available for excellent international students who are admitted to a MA programme
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Twente Twente Scholarship Program aims at helping talented foreign students whose own funds are inadequate.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Utrecht University of Utrecht has partnerships with the –University of Pretoria; University of Stellenbosch; University of Western Cape Utrecht Excellence Scholarships MA Linguistics 4-6 Reinhart grants for non-Dutch students applying for the Prestige MA programme Linguistics –Max. 2 years; (appr) 5,000 euro/year –Provided by: UiL OTS, Faculty of Humanities
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL: Other Ambassadorial Scholarships Program of The Rotary Foundation Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships: 1 academic year in another country, up to ca US$ 26,000 Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships 2 years of degree-oriented study in another country; flat grant of US$13,000/year
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 NL: Other South Africa House: Study Fund Foundation for South African students
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Flanders FWO Universities Other
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 National Fund for Scientific Research (Flanders) - FWO grants based on bilateral agreements between FWO and international organisations. At present no agreement with SA.
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Antwerp active bilateral agreements with North-West University Potchefstroom Campus Stellenbosch University University of Cape Town University of Johannesburg University of Limpopo – Medunsa Campus University of Pretoria
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Ghent Bilateral agreements mobility of students is a key action collaboration with non-EU universities is stimulated matching funds encouraged
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University College Ghent Students can only study at University College Ghent as an exchange student if their home institution has a formal bilateral agreement with University College Ghent. no agreement with SA
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 University of Leuven bilateral agreements with –Stellenbosch University –University of the Western Cape (Belville) –University of Pretoria –University of the Freestate – Bloemfontein –University of Cape Town PhD students with min 2 years research experience Duration: min. 3 weeks - max. 3 months Amount: 30 euro per diem, accommodation, insurance
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Government of Flanders : Science & Technology cooperation between SA and FL Future programme: – contribute to a sustainable research environment: capacity building of research institutions, rather than support of individual researchers. –More emphasis on human capacity building: scholarships, fellowships, etc. –Possible Thematic Areas a.o. Information Technology through FP7
HLT-collaboration SA-LC November 2008 Uitwisseling Nederland Suid Afrika (UNSA) specialized in exchange projects between NL, FL and SA practical internship, final thesis project, study assisting with visa, work- or study permit, travel matters, accommodation, insurance etc.