MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Y3 Spring MATHS In This term in Maths, Year 3 will be introduced to a range of skills to support their understanding of how to read, write and order digits up to 1, In addition to this they will derive and recall multiplication facts for the 3,4 and 8 times tables and their corresponding division facts. They will also be able to add and subtract amounts of money and becoming confident with giving change. They will also be identifying right angles. Websites you could visit to support your child: SCIENCE In Science this term the children will be learning about plants. They will be identifying the different parts and functions of a plant. They will be looking at what plants need to help them grow. They will also be looking at the functions of different parts of a plant. Websites that support this topic: ENGLISH In English this term Year 3 will be reading the POR book, The Ice Palace, written by Robert Swindells. This POR book will be used as a stimulus to extend children’s knowledge of a range of writing. For example, diary entry, character description, letter writing and looking at persuasive writing. They will also be writing stories to develop their skills further. At home you could support your child by visiting educational websites that give examples of how to write letters, how to use persuasive language and read imaginative stories. The children will also be consolidating grammar to support writing this will include looking at tenses, punctuation and sentence structure. Supporting Websites: Geography The Geography topic this term is ‘Scandinavia’ through which children will learn about the countries in Scandinavia in the North of Europe. They will look at the weather in Scandinavia, compare it with conditions in the UK and they will learn about the life style of Scandinavian people and children. They will also look at ‘fjords’ (narrow inlets of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes) in Scandinavia. Towards the end of the topic the children will have a day where they will spend the day dressed up and acting as a child in Scandinavia! P.O.R Book Autumn 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION In P.E. throughout this term children will be learning about dance. They will show an imaginative response through use of language and choice of movement. They will also explore and develop new actions within their PE sessions. The children will show an awareness of others and be able to describe a good dance phrase. Please ensure you provide children with the correct P.E. Kit which includes a white polo/T-Shirt, shorts, tracksuit bottoms and suitable pumps. The outdoor P.E. Kit is black waterproof tracksuit bottoms, full sleeved top or sports hooded top. Art In Art this term children will be looking at finding out about the artist Edvard Munch and his painting The Scream. They will explore how emotions are used to create paintings and will produce their own painting at the end of the tiopic. MUSIC All children in Year 3 will be learning to play violins this will involve learning to hold and try different techniques to support understanding in listening attentively to patterns and stories in music. In addition to this children will learn to sing from memory, begin to tell stories by listening to music and explore feelings through different percussions and videos planned. ICT In ICT Year 3 will learn how to use coding and how to program computers. We will be using Hopscotch App 1. EDUCATIONAL VISITS This term as part of our year group’s topic, the children will come dressed as a Scandinavian child for one day. They will imagine that they are Scandinavian and carry out different activities. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION In R.E. children will be looking at what it means to be a Jew. They will look at Jewish beliefs, the Jewish symbols and festivals celebrated by Jewish people. MFL Year 3 will be studying French as their Modern Foreign Language (MFL). Children will be introduced to basic vocabulary and opportunities will be provided to reinforce this to consolidate understanding.