Why Calibrate? Ensure the readiness of test equipment to perform accurate measurements and provide valid data Limit the number of erroneous test decisions Maintain overall measurement integrity and traceability
Measurement Possibilities GOAL Precise / Accurate Not Precise/ Not Accurate
Why Calibrate? – Data Integrity How do we know the data is good? Accurate? Precise? Stable? Can you trust the person collecting the data? Can you trust the measurement instrument? What proof do you have that the numbers reflect reality? Can you trust the decision you are about to make using the collected data? What is the cost if you are wrong? In Tolerance Do You See A Difference? Out of Tolerance
False Accept/False Reject Test results bad, item good: STANDARD NFR example Test results good, item bad Lowers Fleet reliability Shorter maintenance cycle => Increased costs
METCAL Program Overview Z540.3 Navy METCAL Program METCAL Technical Agent NIST Acquisition In-Service Maintenance Acquisition Support Cal Rqmts Analysis Cal Logistics Engineering Procedures Intervals Standards Training Database Mgmt Traceability Technical Support NPSL Navy Cal Lab Test Equipment R&D Standards (State-of-the-art) Mission Ensure that TMDE used to make measurements on Navy Systems is accurate and traceable to National Standards to reduce or eliminate the safety and cost impacts of wrong test decisions.
Z540-1 Withdrawal Test & Measurement Equipment/Cal Lab Accreditation 1994 ANSI/NCSL Z540.1 Approved 2005 ANS/ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Approved 2006 ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006 Approved 2007 ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 Withdrawn The Z540-1 had been an American National Standard since 1994. Part I of Z540-1 was based on the ISO/IEC Guide 25. Part II of Z540-1 was based on MIL-STD 45662A and was included to meet U.S. Department of Defense requirements. The vote to withdraw ANSI/NCSL Z540.1-1994 (R2002) as a National Standard became final on 6 April 2007. As a result, in July 2007 the standard was officially withdrawn. The standard is replaced by a combination of the newly published ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 – 2006, American National Standard for Calibration, “Requirements for the Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment” and ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025, recently adopted by ANSI as an American National Standard for laboratory accreditation. In the U.S., there are currently two national standards. One for calibration systems: ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 2006, Requirements for the Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment and one for calibration laboratories: ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (hereafter, “17025”). Z540-1 is replaced by Z540.3 and 17025 7
Measurement and Test Equipment Internal Calibration Laboratory 9001, 17025, & Z540.3 Relationship ENTERPRISE Quality System ISO 9001 Independent Calibration Lab ISO/IEC 17025 Products / Services Measurement and Test Equipment ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 The standards are related in that they consistently impose good practices on the part of the enterprise or laboratory. 17025 imposes requirements on test and calibration laboratories in order to demonstrate competence, whether they are internal to the enterprise or are independent contract calibration service providers. 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system as needed to demonstrate that products meet customer requirements. It does not address requirements to demonstrate competence in performing specific tasks. Clause 7.6 states that measuring equipment shall be calibrated when necessary to ensure valid results, but it does not impose specific requirements for calibration, such as accuracies, measurement uncertainty, or calibration procedures, and in a note refers to ISO 10012-1 and -2. Z540.3 is concerned with the management of measuring and test equipment used outside of the laboratory. 17025 imposes requirements on the laboratory for calibration of the laboratory’s M&TE, not for the M&TE used on the factory floor, i.e. their customer’s units. Internal Calibration Laboratory ISO/IEC 17025 (or Z540.3)
Distribution of Z540-1 Requirements 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Calibration service component competency demonstration Z540-1 Part I – Cal Lab Cal lab requirements Cal lab competency demonstration Part II – Cal System M&TE cal requirements Cal system requirements Z540.3 Cal service component technical requirements Optional use of ANS/ISO 17025 with SC 5.3 for Cal service component competency demonstration M&TE cal requirements Cal system requirements 9
Laboratory Competence Roles of New Standards ANSI/ISO/IEC 17025: Competence of test and calibration laboratories Demonstration requirements: Able to operate a management system Are technically competent Able to generate technically valid results ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 Technical requirements for calibration of M&TE System for control of the accuracy of M&TE: Calibration system performance requirements Calibration laboratory performance requirements Link to use of 17025 accredited cal labs “smart customer” for ISO 17025 accredited cal lab Laboratory Competence Requirements METCAL Program Requirements
NACLA Purpose for Navy… Continue recognition of ABs Assist ABs in evaluating to supplemental requirements identified in Z540.3, clause 5.3 Develop recognition program for determining Z540.3 compliance in organizations